Monday, December 31, 2007


Blue Hearts 23/12.31.07

Hello Everyone and Happy New Year!!!

It's 2008, the year we've been looking forward to since 2004. Finally our time has come to make a change in the Executive Branch. Really, we have only ten months left so let's get down to the business of hard work, shall we? Our country can be the leader it once was - respected, admired, important, and compassionate. And we can help to make that happen.

So, here goes...


Bumper Stickers For the Upcoming Year of Presidential Politics! (Always a favorite, K)

1. Bush: End of an Error
2. That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
3. Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First
4. If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran
5. Bush. Like a Rock - Only Dumber.
6. If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President
7. Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant
8. Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?
9. George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
10. Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow Jobs Anymore
11. America: One Nation, Under Surveillance
12. They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
13. Jail to the Chief
14. No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq?
15. Bush: God' s Way of Proving Intelligent Design Is Full of Crap
16. Bad President! No Banana.
17. We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
18. We're Making Enemies Faster than We Can Kill Them
19. Is It Vietnam yet?
20. Bush Doesn't Care About White People, Either
21. Where Are We Going? And Why Are We in This Hand Basket?
22. You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
23. When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46
24. The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century
25. One Nation under Clod
26. At Least Nixon Had the Decency to Resign
27. Iraq, Arabic for Vietnam . . . . . . . . . .


Subject: Question Time with George W Bush

George Bush goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand and George asks him his name.

"Stanley," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Stanley?"

"I have 4 questions:

First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes?
Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?"
Fourth, why are we so worried about gay marriage when half of all Americans don't have health insurance?

Just then, the bell rings for recess. George Bush informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume George says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right, Question time. Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand. George points him out and asks him his name.

"Little Johnnie" he responds.

"And what is your question, Little Johnnie?"

"Actually Sir, I have 6 questions:

First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the support of the UN?
Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more votes? !
Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?
Fourth, why are we so worried about gay marriage when 1/2 of all Americans don't have health insurance?
Fifth, why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?
And Sixth, what the f--k happened to Stanley?"


A plane is about to crash. There are fire passengers but only four parachutes.

The first passenger says, "I am Ronoldo, the best football player in the world. The football world needs me and I cannot die on my fans."

He grabs the first parachute and jumps out of the plane.

The second passenger, Hillary Clinton, says: "I am the wife of the former President of the United States; I am the Senator from New York; and I have a good chance of becoming President of the United States in the future."

She grabs the second parachute and jumps out of the plane.

The third passenger, George W. Bush, says: "I am the President of the United States of America. I have huge responsibilities in the world. Besides I am the smartest President in the history of my country and can't shun the responsibility to my people by dying."

He grabs the third parachute and jumps out of the plane.

The fourth passenger, the Pope, says to the fifth passenger, a young school boy: "I am old. I have lived my life as a good person as a pries should and so I shall leave the last parachute to you; you have the rest of your life ahead of you."

To this, the little boy says: "Don't fret old man.. There's a parachute for each of us! The smartest President of America took my schoolbag."


President Bush, First Lady Laura and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One.

George looked at Laura, chuckled and said, 'You know, I could throw a $1,000 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy.'

Laura shrugged her shoulders and replied, 'I could throw ten $100 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy'

Cheney added, 'That being the case, I could throw one hundred $10 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy.

'Hearing their exchange, the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his co-pilot, 'Such big-shots back there. S***, I could throw all their asses out the window and make 56 million people very happy.'

If you're one of those 56 million, pass this on.


Okay. This one's not funny but it's not political so I'm just sticking it here. And there was no reference on Snopes. K

Subject: Fwd: The hidden truth behind hotel drinking glasses


I'm adding this to my ever-growing list of movies to see. "Our own Wes Jackson" refers to the founder of The Land Institute. They were the group we met with this past October. They're based in Salina, KS. I would love for us to take a field trip out there one of these days. Check them out:

11th Hour
Environmental Film by Leonardo DiCaprio

The 11th Hour, a new environmental film produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, features interviews with over 50 of the world’s most prominent thinkers and activists. They include reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, and our own Wes Jackson.

The 11th Hour is an offering of hope and solutions as well as a portrait of a planet in crisis. The film ends with a call for restorative action through reshaping human activity.

The 11th Hour is now playing in theaters nationwide and in Canada. We hope you and your friends will support it at the box office so that its run will be long enough to allow many others to view it.

The film’s Action Campaign site provides a list of current viewing locations:


Subject: Car Idling - This is big at schools but applies anywhere you might be idling - drive thru banks, restaurants, etc. K

CAR POLLUTANT PRIMER 101: The amount of fuel a vehicle burns directly relates to the pollutants it produces.

Some of the toxic substances from fossil fuel emissions include:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)--Contributes to global warming. Cars give off 20 lbs. of CO2 for every gallon of gas consumed. Americans burn an average of 200 million gallons of gas per day. This causes the release of about 4 billion pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere per day.

Sulfur-Can cause acid rain.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)-Toxic invisible gas.

Nitrous Oxide (NOX)-Causes smog and acid rain.

Hydrocarbons (HC)-Causes Ozone Smog. Contributes to Benzene emissions, which are considered carcinogenic. Causes groundwater pollution.

DID YOU KNOW? Only 10 seconds of idling uses more fuel than turning the engine on and off. An idling vehicle emits 20 times more pollution than one traveling at 30 miles per hour.

IDLING: You will save gas by turning the engine off and restarting it again if you expect to idle for more than 30 seconds.

o Exhaust emissions worsen asthma, bronchitis, and existing allergies.
o The New England Journal of Medicine reports that exposure to air pollution may cause chronic decreases in lung functions by age 18.
o Children breathe up to 50% more air per pound of body weight than adults, making them more susceptible to both acute and chronic respiratory problems like asthma.

What to do?

-Park and walk if possible.
-If on a hill, roll in neutral with the engine off.
-Install “No Idling Zone” signs to spread awareness.
-Encourage your school district to sign a No Idling Pledge.
-Share this information with everyone who drives!!!


This is fun to do. K

Take this quiz to see which candidate for President you are most in sync with.


An absolute must read. K

OUR HERO!!!!!!

Know your competition! K

Ron Paul is Still Nuts, That's Why

by MissLaura

Thu Dec 13, 2007 at 10:15:40 AM PST

Ron Paul has been attracting support from some unlikely quarters, mainly due to ignorance of his positions on anything much but Iraq. You may know the man is crazy, but convincing others is the task.

So, without further ado, here (greatly condensed from the definitive take-down at Orcinus) are some concrete positions he's taken to cite when you want to push back against your Paul-bot in-laws, co-workers, and assorted acquaintances:

Ron Paul wants the US to withdraw from the UN or at least from UNESCO.
Ron Paul has authored legislation saying that life begins at conception, to prevent federal money from being spent on family planning (that would include contraception), and has tried to amend the Constitution to "guarantee the right to life."
Ron Paul has tried to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety Act, to abolish the minimum wage, and to eviscerate Social Security.
Ron Paul wants guns in schools.
Ron Paul has tried to repeal the Davis-Bacon Act to guarantee employees of federal contractors the prevailing wage and wants to make it easier to decertify a union.
Ron Paul wants to amend the Constitution to end birthright citizenship.
Ron Paul wants to dismantle the Federal Reserve and prepare for a return to the Gold Standard, which would destroy the economy.
This is just the tip of a very big, very crazy iceberg. See the rest at Orcinus.


I thought this one was particularly important. Check out the R's quotes! K

From: Howard Dean
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007

Here we go again.

For the past few months, the Bush Administration exploited the fears of Americans to make their case against Iran. Just a few weeks ago, the President said "I believe they want to have the capacity, the knowledge, in order to make a nuclear weapon."

This week, 16 U.S. intelligence agencies published a report that "in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program." Turns out the White House was aware of this shocking assessment for a few months, but reportedly worked to delay its public release.

Distortions and manipulation to promote a narrow ideological agenda is nothing new to the Bush Administration -- it's how they misled us into Iraq. This is the worst kind of leadership: a dishonest appeal our base emotions.

Iran may pose a threat, but misleading the American people is not the way to deal with it. All of the Democratic candidates have said that we need to have all options on the table when dealing with Iran -- Republicans seem to only consider war.

After we elect a Democratic president in 2008, the American people will once again have a leader who will be open and honest with them. But until then, it's important that every Republican presidential candidate avoids the fear-mongering that George Bush has used to so profoundly divide this country.

Back when I ran for President, I couldn't walk ten feet without seeing a "Hope not Fear" slogan on a t-shirt or a sign. And now, four years later, it's never meant more to me.

Join me and remind every Republican presidential candidate that all Americans want to be inspired by hope, not governed by fear.

If these quotes are any indication, the Republican frontrunners haven't gotten the message:

Rudy Giuliani: "Iran is nuclear threat, not just because they can deliver a nuclear warhead with missiles; they're a nuclear threat because they are the biggest state sponsor of terrorism and they can hand nuclear materials to terrorists."

Mitt Romney: "If for some reasons they continue down their course of folly toward nuclear ambition, then I would take military action if that's available to us."

Mike Huckabee: "A President has to do whatever is necessary to protect the American people. If we think Iran is building nuclear capacity that could be used against us in any way, including selling some of the nuclear capacity to some other terrorist group, then yes we have a right [to attack]. I would do it in a heartbeat. "

We don't need four more years of Bush-Cheney foreign policy in the White House. No matter your party, it's time to stop scaring Americans with doomsday scenarios -- and start talking about the positive steps our country can take to ensure a peaceful world community.

Stand up for policy based on facts, not hysteria fueled by fear:

President Bush used faulty intelligence and fear-mongering to enter Iraq. Now he's been caught using faulty intelligence and fear-mongering to engage Iran.

He's not going to get away with it. Don't let any one of our nation's presidential candidates get away with it either.


Howard Dean

Directly from the mouths of the Presidential candidates on Roe v. Wade! K


"The problem with Roe against Wade is that it took the decision away from the state. If Roe against Wade were overturned because it was poorly decided, if the justices decide that, it would then go back to the states, and it would seem to me that that would be the answer. The answer is that each state would make a different decision. ...I think you should have parental
consent. I think we should have access to adoptions instead of abortion. But ultimately, I think, these decisions should be made on a state-by-state basis."
(In response to question about whether he would sign federal abortion ban, CNN/YouTube debate, 11.28.07)

Without mentioning Roe vs. Wade, the former New York mayor endorsed "originalism," which he defined as the belief that the Constitution "should be interpreted as it's written, not as someone would like it to be." "We need judges who embrace originalism, endeavor to determine what others meant when they wrote the words of our Constitution. Justices like Justice Scalia, Justice Thomas, Justice Alito and Chief Justice Roberts. That would be my model."
(Los Angeles Times, 11.23.07)

"I've always supported the passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. As President, I will fight for passage of a human life amendment. My position on the sanctity of life has always been clear and consistent. ... And unlike Senator Thompson, I never took money to lobby from an abortion rights group, and then tried to say I'd forgotten about it and it was just a lawyer representing a client."
(Campaign release critical of Thompson, 11.5.07)

"I don't personally think [a woman who has an abortion should be charged with a crime]. I'm an OB doctor and I practiced medicine for 30 years, and I, of course, never saw one time when a medically necessary abortion had to be done. I think it certainly is a crime, but I also understand the difficulties. I think when you're talking about third trimester deliberate
abortion and partial-birth abortions, I mean, there has to be a criminal penalty for the person that's committing that crime. But I really think it's the person who commits the crime, and I think that is the abortionist.
(Response to the question, "In the event that abortion becomes illegal and a woman obtains an abortion anyway, what should she be charged with, and what should her punishment be? What about the doctor who performs the abortion?, CNN/YouTube debate, 11.28.07)

"I agree with Senator Thompson, which is we should overturn Roe v. Wade and return these issues to the states. I would welcome a circumstance where there was such a consensus in this country that we said we don't want to have abortion in this country at all, period. That would be wonderful. I'd be delighted to sign that bill. But that's not where we are. That's not where
America is today. Where America is is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade and return to the states that authority. But if the Congress got there, we had that kind of consensus in the country, terrific."
(Response to question, "If hypothetically Roe versus Wade was overturned, and the Congress passed a federal ban on all abortion, and it came to your desk, would you sign it? Yes or no." CNN/YouTube debate, 11.28.07)

"I think [overturning Roe v. Wade] should be our number one focus right now. And that has to do
with the kind of Supreme Court justices we put on the bench. That would mean that it goes back
to the states, and then the states would have to outlaw it at an earlier stage than they outlaw
it now. And then the question would be, who gets penalized and what should the penalty be? I
think it should be fashioned along the same lines that it is now. Most states have abortion laws
that...prohibit abortion after viability. And it goes to the doctor performing the abortion, not
the girl or the young girl or her parents, whomever it might be. I think that same pattern
needs to be followed."
(Response to a YouTube question, "In the event that abortion becomes illegal and a woman
obtains an abortion anyway, what should she be charged with, and what should her punishment be?
What about the doctor who performs the abortion?" CNN/YouTube Debate, 11.28.07)


"I would not appoint anyone who did not understand that Section 5 of the 14th Amendment and the Liberty Clause of the 14th Amendment provided a right to privacy. That's the question I'd ask them. If that is answered correctly, that that is the case, then it answers the question, which means they would support Roe v. Wade.
(On judicial nominees, Democratic debate, CNN, 11.15.2007)

"[My judicial nominees would] have to share my view about privacy, and I think that goes hand in hand. Privacy, in my opinion, is embedded in our Constitution. What does it mean to have a right to free speech or the right to worship as you choose if you also don't have the right to be left alone, to have that privacy that goes with being an American? So it would be absolutely critical."
(In response to question whether Supreme Court nominees would have to share her view on abortion, Democratic debate, CNN, 11.15.2007)

"I don't necessarily believe in applying litmus tests here. I think that's a dangerous precedent to begin that process here. ...Now, obviously as someone who's pro-choice and have been, entire public life and career, I feel very strongly about Roe versus Wade. I would not want a justice to be appointed who would even think about overturning that."
(On judicial nominees, Democratic debate, CNN, 11.15.2007)

"I would insist that they recognize the right to privacy and recognize Roe v. Wade as settled law. But I want to go beyond what some others have said here because it is so crucial if you grew up like I did in the segregated style and you saw how important it was to have federal judges who had some backbone and were willing to stand up against popular opinion - but we had a judge who desegregated the public schools in North Carolina, in Charlotte, North Carolina. He literally had to have armed guards take him from home to work and home each day. That's the kind of courage and strength we need in a United States Supreme Court justice."
(On judicial nominees, Democratic debate, CNN, 11.15.2007)

"A Kucinich appointment to the Supreme Court would have a litmus test on abortion. It's a question of a woman's right to choose and a right to privacy. But a president has to do more than that. A president has to be a healer, and this has been one of the great divides in our country. And so I want to also let the American people know that I'll stand for prenatal care,
postnatal care, child care, a living wage, universal health care, sex education,...birth control. We can make abortions less necessary if we have a healer in the White House, and we can also protect a woman's right to choose. We can do both."
(On judicial nominees, Democratic debate, CNN, 11.15.2007)

"I would not appoint somebody who doesn't believe in the right to privacy. But you're right, Wolf, I taught constitutional law for 10 years, and when you look at what makes a great Supreme Court justice, it's not just the particular issue and how they rule, but it's their conception of the court. And part of the role of the court is that it is going to protect people who may be vulnerable in the political process, the outsider, the minority, those who are vulnerable, those who don't have a lot of clout."
(On judicial nominees, Democratic debate, CNN, 11.15.2007)


2008 Presidential Election Candidates on the Issues - here's a chart that might help if you're still undecided. K


I opt for the punch cards still, until I get a hard-copy (receipt) showing how I voted. K

So much for electronic voting:


Listen to Walt Bodine show's podcast, Release Date 12/5, Show Date 12/6. KCUR 89.3 FM or better yet, read...

Author and Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Rhodes discusses his new book Arsenals of Folly: The Making of the Nuclear Arms Race.

It will illuminate how Ronald Reagan wasted $300 trillion, put us in debt and threw away good money on redundant weaponry that otherwise could have been used for infrastructure, etc. GW is doing the same thing.

AND RR shouldn't be credited for ending the cold war. It could have ended a lot sooner given the state of Soviet finances and leadership had RR NOT built up when he did. He elevated an arms race that was waning. Because of RR's insistence on increasing our military might, the Soviets thought we were planning a war and built theirs up even thought they were not inclined to do so.

There are moments in history when people become exceptional leaders by making tough but important decisions. I'm reading The Most Noble Adventure - The Marshall Plan and the Time When America Helped Save Europe by Greg Behrman. Talk about leadership. It makes me sad to think how RR did then and GW is now backtracking on the financial stability of our nation, putting us in debt. The money lost in the early 80's could have taken us to the next level on infrastructure, trains, transportation, even health care. And our nation's reputation!!! That's even worse. What GW squandered after 9-11.


I believe in supporting companies that support Democrats or, at a minimum, DON'T support Republicans!!! Here's our chance. K

Hi Kristin, You may know Susan and Kevin Miller. They live up the street from me (on Locust) and have this wonderful business making these great compotes. They do the cooking at Le Fou Frog on Mondays. The best thing about them, aside from their wonderful products, is that they are good Democrats and love to donate dishes to Democratic functions. I know you have a list of Democratic women (or Democrat women, as the republicans in congress like to call us) so perhaps you could pass this on. See you yoga! Corva

Kansas City, MO - 816.210.0852 - 800.436.9047

(Graphics don't show up in the blog so here are some of their items: chutneys, compotes, and almonds - K)


I edited this down a bit. K

"You've got to be kidding me!" was the first thing we thought after hearing on Tuesday that Nancy Nord, the head of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), doesn't support legislation to greatly increase resources for her agency to stop toxic products from reaching children. Right now there is only one inspector charged with testing toys.

We weren't the only people shaking our heads in disbelief. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had the exact same reaction. Matter of fact, Speaker Pelosi was so upset that she contacted MomsRising yesterday to thank us for taking action, and urge our continued efforts to keep toxic products off store shelves.

Build the Momentum to Stop Toxic Products! Stand with Speaker Pelosi: Let's work to get 30,000 signatures delivered to Congress by signing onto the petition... and having friends sign on. Leaders deeply appreciate and need citizen support to do their work. Support Speaker Pelosi and tell Congress: "We demand safe, lead-free toys for children. Congress must strengthen the agencies responsible for protecting kids from toxic products and remove the bureaucrats who are standing in the way."

*Just go to:

Here's a Special Message to MomsRising Members on Keeping our Kids Safe from Tainted Toys from Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

"As mothers, there is no greater concern than the safety of our children. Yet with the recent reports of lead in toys for kids, moms and dads now have a new worry. If the recalls of toy jewelry, trains, and Halloween candy pails weren't upsetting enough, yesterday we learned that Halloween "Ugly Teeth" were recalled --on Halloween day itself! Lead in toys is unacceptable; lead in toys children are supposed to put in their mouth is criminal.

"This summer, 20 million imported toys that were manufactured overseas were recalled--some of which contained nearly 200 times the legal limit for lead. The most heartbreaking for me was the recall of some Thomas the Tank Engine toys, a favorite among my five grandsons.

"We must make sure that government lives up to its responsibility to protect our children. Parents should not have to buy a lead testing kit before letting their children play. We have a consumer protection agency to do that. Yet at the Consumer Safety Protection Commission, there is only one inspector charged with testing toys to make sure they are safe for our children. And recently, when the chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission was asked by Congress if she would request an increase of resources and funding for the commission, she refused to support this much needed action. I know we can do better.

"Congress is determined to help parents who are frustrated. That is why we are working to pass legislation that will ban lead from children's toys, require testing of children's products by independent, third-party laboratories, and provide the Consumer Product Safety Commission with significantly greater resources to protect our families. For too long, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has failed to protect kids from hazardous levels of lead in their toys.

"The evidence of how lead in toys harms children is overwhelming. Many years of research have shown that exposure to this neuro-toxin can have serious long-term effects, particularly on children. While the recent recalls have brought the issue to popular attention, the problem is, unfortunately, not a new one. In 2004, 2005, and 2006, millions of pieces of toy jewelry were recalled due to unsafe levels of lead.

"With this legislation, we will ensure that there are no more stories like that of Jarnell Brown, a four-year-old who died in 2006 after swallowing a charm on a bracelet that contained over 99 percent lead. But we need your help. Get in touch with your Representative and Senator, and urge them to support legislation to protect our children.

"I want to thank the MomsRising community for working to eliminate toxic toys. By passing this legislation and continuing our vigorous oversight, we will work to make certain not one more child is harmed by the toys we give them--our children deserve nothing less, and certainly much more."

Best - Joan, Kristin, Katie, Roz, Ashley, Donna, Mary, Gretchen, Lisa and the MomsRising Team


The New York Times and The Washington Post recently reported disturbing evidence of the increasing "normalcy" of rape in parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Dear Friend,

According to the United Nations, reported cases of rape in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have risen 60 percent since August. The epidemic of rape and sexual violence is a humanitarian catastrophe in this war-torn country where more than 4 million people have died during years of conflict. We must take action now.

The good news is that on October 31, Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE) and Richard Lugar (R-IN) introduced the International Violence Against Women Act (S.2279), legislation that will significantly increase U.S. commitment to ending gender-based violence in the DRC and around the world.

We at CARE, a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, have been working with local staff to eliminate the violence in the DRC for several years. Please help by contacting Congress today and telling them to pass the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) immediately.

The urgency of the crisis cannot be overstated: "In the case of eastern DRC, the rates of these violations have risen to catastrophic levels and their increasing regularity and brutality over time is well documented," Kevin Fitzcharles, CARE's country director in Uganda, said in recent testimony to Congress. "Armed groups in eastern Congo are effectively using sexual violence as a weapon of war and destruction, inflicting grievous physical, psychological and social harm on women, children and entire communities."

The physical and emotional harm that these women and girls face is staggering. While the perpetrators of these horrific crimes simply move on to their next victims, violated women and girls rarely find the medical and psychological care they so desperately need. CARE staff has been on the ground in the DRC working to address the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls; however, much remains to be done to address this scourge.

Passing the IVAWA would be a major step toward ending the violence endured by Congolese women - and all violence against women. Please don't wait a minute more to write Congress about this crucial legislation.

Thank you.


Helene D. Gayle, MD, MPH
President and CEO, CARE


“You don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman.”
Jane Galvin Lewis

November 30, 2007
Wal-Mart has spent millions convincing consumers that its critics are wrong about its anti-worker actions, and that it is a good company that cares about its employees and the community. But the way the company treated its employee, Deborah Shank, tells a different story.

Wal-Mart, which earned $2.9 billion last quarter, sued a former employee who suffered permanent brain damage in a car accident to get back $470,000 it spent on her medical bills.

The Wall Street Journal reported on November 20, 2007 that Deborah Shank, 52, who stocked shelves in Wal-Mart’s store in Cape Girardieu, MO, was broadsided by a tractor-trailer seven years ago, causing permanent brain damage. Unable to walk without help or communicate meaningfully with her family, she now lives in a nursing home.

Wal-Mart’s health insurance plan paid about $470,000 in medical expenses. But after the Shanks sued and settled with the trucking company, Wal-Mart sued the couple and demanded its money back, plus interest and legal fees—more than the $417,477 the settlement had placed in a special-needs Medicaid trust fund for Shank’s future health care expenses.

A federal judge ruled that Wal-Mart’s health care plan gave them first dibs on any money gained by an injured employee. Such provisions aren’t uncommon in health plans, and Wal-Mart isn’t the first to enforce one.

Deborah Shank, who receives Medicaid, is not the only Wal-Mart employee receiving public health care. More than 60 percent of Wal-Mart employees—600,000 people—are forced to get health insurance coverage from the government or through spouses’ plans, or live without any health insurance. Last year, the AFL-CIO released a report showing how Wal-Mart shifts health care costs to consumers.

As The Los Angeles Times points out in an editorial on November 21, 2007, this falls into the “it’s legal, but is it moral” category, and that Wal-Mart’s lawsuit shows its unrestrained greed.

Wal-Mart has spent the last few years working hard to rebut health care reformers, labor unions, anti-globalization groups and other critics who’ve argued that it puts profits ahead of humanity. While its advertising campaigns try to put a friendlier spin on the company, its behavior tells a different story. Wal-Mart’s anti-worker actions could and have filled books.

Earlier this year, a New Jersey court ruled a class action suit could proceed on behalf of 80,000 current and former Wal-Mart employees who say they were forced to work off the clock. Recent reports also reveal how the retailers’ reliance on goods made by cheap labor in China threatens public safety and costs nearly 200,000 jobs.

Do you agree that the world could be a better place for everyone if we changed societal goals to value caring over domination, and measured wealth and success in terms of feminist caring economics rather than gold, oil, and military victories?

As a leading cultural theorist Riane Eisler is focusing on how to change to a Partnership Model of Caring to Empower Women and Change the World. One of her recent reports states “...nations where women have greater representation in government, such as Sweden, Finland, and Norway, have pioneered policies that are more environmentally responsible and more caring, such as universal healthcare, childcare, and generous paid parental leave.” In addition to building on her women’s rights work, Eisler has written a new book, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics.

Riane Eisler is an internationally honored feminist activist, lawyer, social scientist, and author of the classic, The Chalice and the Blade. Her California Center for Partnership Studies advances “human development by accelerating movement to the partnership model of relations. The partnership model is a way of structuring beliefs, institutions, and relations that support the realization of our enormous human capacities for consciousness, caring, and creativity and promotes nonviolence, human rights, justice, and a sustainable environment.” Eisler has been a long time contributor to women’s rights. She wrote The Equal Rights Handbook (1978) and co-authored The ERA Facts and Action Guide (1986). Her Dissolution: No-fault Divorce, Marriage, and the Future of Women (1977) explored the implication for women of no-fault divorce and predicted the “feminization of poverty.” Another important early contribution was her 1970 authorship “of an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court that preceded the success of Reed v. Reed, for the first time holding that gender-based discrimination violates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.”


The Supreme Court's ruling in Ledbetter vs. Goodyear that discrimination claims must be made within 180 days after the pay is set is a major setback in women's rights. In fact, the ruling also undermines an employee's ability to stop pay discrimination based on race, religion, and national origin, as well as gender. How many of us know what our co-workers make? Many employers forbid employees from discussing their pay, making it all the more difficult to discover pay discrimination within the short time frame now required by the Supreme Court.

Tell Your U.S. Senators you need them to stand up for women (who also happen to be 54% of the voting population)--and then invite your friends, family, and particularly the people you work with to join you.

Buying Influence Inc. needs your help to continue our efforts of working on three major, critical issues of stopping the wage gap, influencing America’s corporations to become more socially responsible through corporate evaluations, and garnering and directing consumer activism toward making changes that have a positive effect on equality for all. Show your thanks by becoming a subscriber with a donation of $250, $100, $50, or $25. With your subscription, you will have a direct impact on continuing to make the world a fair and equal place for everyone. Buying Influence Inc. is a 501c3, so your donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to make your donation by credit card, you may call Linda Eakes at 816-931-7896 or email her at and give her your billing address, credit card number, and the amount of your donation. If you would like to pay by check, simply make the check out to Buying Influence Inc., and mail it to Linda Eakes, Buying Influence Inc., 801 W. 47th Street, Suite 110 , Kansas City , MO , 64112 .
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 816-931-7896, or send us an email at Together, we CAN make a difference.
Dr. Maria Kunstadter - CEO and Founder Linda Eakes – Executive Director


Although this deals largely with MO, the players are national and this could happen anywhere. I've edited this down a bit. Please check out the names of the national organizations masking themselves as legitimate. K

Sent to me from a friend ...

At the Missouri Association for Social Welfare conference in Columbia last week, I went to a workshop called "The Anatomy of a Media Hit Job: Pushing Back Against the Right Wing Noise Machine."

KU's Dr. Rick Spano and Dr. Terri Koenig suggested this crisis at the "Just for Social Workers" ethics conference at which they did a presentation September 13, but they didn't talk about specific examples.

I'll summarize the MASW workshop for you --

This workshop was about an attack on schools of SW by the right wing and covered some of the same information Karen forwarded to us, a paper by the National Assoc. of Scholars "The Scandal of Social Work Education."

It included an untrue report about a Missouri State Univ. (Springfield) Asst. Professor, Dr. Frank G. Kauffman, "requiring" his (undergraduate) students to send a letter to their state representatives, advocating for people who are gay to be have the right to be foster and adoptive parents. A student in the class, Emily Brooker, sued the university, and was represented by the Alliance Defense Fund (one has to wonder if they found her, to be their "plaintiff").

ADF has filed 50 lawsuits and this was the second they filed agains Missouri State. Apparently to cut their losses and avoid
big legal bills, the University settled for $9000 and Brooker's tuition, room and board for 2 years of graduate school at any state school in MO. I think her grade was changed and her legal expenses were paid by the univ. as part of the settlement. The professor voluntarily stepped down from his directorship and teaching position (he has since returned). The university offered no explanation or defense of Dr. Kauffman, nor did he publicly defend himself. Conservative media say the settlement
was vindication for the student.

Ironically, Dr. Kauffman is not the anti-religious person he has been portrayed in the right wing media to be. He is actually a former assistant pastor and youth minister in the Assemblies of God, a Missouri-based Pentecostal denomination.

The university brought in faculty from two other Schools of SW to participate in a "review" of the SW program at MSU. They talked to an unrepresentative sample of students in a meeting without sufficient advance notice. Four students out of the entire class of 249 had some negative things to say, and there was some concern that MSU's SW program would be shut down by the university. Other students started "Save our School" (SOS), and started holding their own press conferences and influencing the outcome.

The faculty report had a lot of input from the students, and the SW school was not shut down. Professor Kaufmann eventually returned to teach. Josh Ewing, who sent me the first e-mail, was one of the founders and organizers of SOS. He is doing a practicum for his BSW at MASW now. Keep in mind, these were all undergraduate students.

Although Emily Brooker said that she was disciplined for refusing to write the letter, in reality, the students decided on a topic for a letter about trying to influence public policy, they voted anonymously for this topic, and those who objected were allowed to choose another topic. A letter was never drafted, let alone signed and sent. She was not disciplined by Prof. Kauffman, she was disciplined by different faculty for other reasons (I don't know why).

I always look to the source of the information and money for any particular point of view or action, and the following are key players in this assault.

These organizations are intellectual cover for right wing neo-conservatives, who are reacting to the cultural changes that started in the 1960s--radical ideas such as equal rights under the law.

The National Association of Scholars "fights liberal bias on college campuses and targets multiculturalism and affirmative action policies." (Isn't liberal education by definition informed, objective, scientifically researched, rational? Isn't freedom of religion one of the key tenants of our Constitution?)

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education represent themselves as "proponents of intellectual diversity," with the goal of dismantling the so-called liberal bias in higher education. "Free speech" is their code word for the right to try to impose their right wing ideology. They have a legal network and Student Guides about how to combat liberal thinking and action on college campuses.

Lynne Cheney, Vice President Dick Cheney's wife, is a founding member of The American Council of Truseees and Alumni. Could she possibly have a political agenda?

The Alliance Defense Fund, which represented Emily Brooker, was founded by James Dobson's Focus on the Family and other politically active right wing organizations. They have a $15 million annual budget, and have sued institutions 50 times, including MSU twice.

Funding for the ADF came from the American Center for Law and Justice, founded by evangelist Pat Robertson and the Liberty Counsel, backed by the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

Liberty Counsel, which provided "outside, expert opinion" for "news" articles-describes itself as a ministry and it's head is a close personal friend of Jerry Faulwell and has represented him, Focus on the Family and other conservatives in legal matters.

Cybercast News Service (prior to 2000, was named Conservative News Service) is an internet wire service, a subsidiary of the Media Research Center, which has a $6 million annual budget, is funded by right wing foundations, and has very close ties to the Republican National Committee, the Christian Coalition, and the company that produced the anti-Kerry Swift Boat video. CNS created the media frenzy about this manufactured and untrue Emily Brooker story--it was on various internet "news" sites all over the world. How can we allow lies to masquerade as news?

George Will, a conservative newspaper op-ed columnist for the Washington Post, wrote a column published October 14 that was carried in traditional newspapers across the country, further spreading the untruths about the Emily Brooker case. Social Workers have written letters to the editors of their local papers, defending social work, but many of them aren't even aware of the facts vs. the lies of the case and accepted the lies promulgated by the conservative "news" media as facts, which I did, prior to finding out what actually happened.

Dobson's Focus on the Family actually told the lie that a student in the Social Work program at MSU was given an assignment in which he or she was forced to engage in homosexual behavior and write a report about it. This was in the context of talking about the Emily Brooker case.

The National Association of Scholars has called on colleges to review the status of the CSWE as an accreditor of their social work programs, and of the NASW as an arbiter of professional ethics for their social work students. They have also called on government agencies at the federal, state, and local levels to cease requiring that social workers hold degrees from CSWE accredited programs in order to be hired.

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is responding.

I am going to send in my dues to NASW. If George Will's column appears in the KC Star, I'll write a letter to the editor, if it's not too late to do so. I'm going to continue supporting Missouri Assoc. for Social Welfare in promoting social justice.

I hope that some of you will join me in maintaining social work as a profession, based on objective reality and the "liberal value" of individual human worth, teaching skills for helping people improve their life circumstances, when the playing field is leveled and they are given equal opportunities.


We were lucky to have Robin speak to Blue Hearts a couple years back. MO's lucky to have her. K

Missouri's right wingers threaten to impeach Secretary of State Robin Carnahan because she's following the law.
by Joe Sudbay (DC) · 10/17/2007 12:08:00 PM ET

For too many years, right wing Republican Secretaries of State have done the bidding of the lunatics in their party. Think Katherine Harris in Florida and Ken Blackwell in Ohio.

In Missouri, there's a Secretary of State, Robin Carnahan, who doesn't kowtow and cater to every diabolical idea promulgated by the nuts. And, they really hate her for it.

In 2006, Carnahan rejected the biased language of the right wing's ballot initiatives. Every time they challenged her in court, the nuts lost.

These are the same anti-stem cell zealots who attacked Michael J. Fox when he got involved in the Missouri Senate Race over the stem cell issue. (Keep in mind that Rush Limbaugh, who openly mocked Fox's Parkinson, has deep roots in Missouri.)

Anyway, fast forward to 2007. The anti-stem cell crowd is coming back with another anti-science, anti-health, pre-historic initiative. They have a new plan that would repeal the referendum that passed in 2006 (but don't want anyone to know.) Fired Up Missouri documents the foibles of "the anti-cure crowd."

Again, Carnahan isn't letting the stem cell opponents confuse the voters. Those religious fanatic types hate it when they don't get their way.

Their solution? Impeachment. Not kidding:
[Curt] Mercadante says that while the courts have given the Secretary of State some latitude in editing ballot summary language submitted to the office, the latitude has been surpassed in this instance. He says all options, including an effort to impeach the Secretary of State, will be considered.

So, they want to impeach Robin for following the law. Now, that's insane:
The Secretary of State's Office could not disagree more with Cures Without Cloning on its claim that the summary language is confusing to voters. Secretary Robin Carnahan's Chief of Staff Mindy Mazur says the summary is completely fair and in accordance with state law.

Mazur says it is not uncommon to have challenges to initiative petition ballot titles, pointing out there is a process laid out for the challenge in law. She adds that in 2006 there were court challenges to three different summary statements and in each case the summary statemant was upheld as sufficient and fair.
We all get caught up in the Presidential race and the battles for House and Senate seats.

But a lot of the day-to-day work gets done on the front lines by people like Robin Carnahan. It's just so important to win elections in key states like Missouri for key offices like Secretary of State. The Republicans have known that for years. State elections really matter. Robin is running for re-election next year. And, she needs to win again.

This really boggles the mind. Go Jay Nixon! K

Blunt urged to disband 'sham' task force
Governor's office shrugs off criticisms of its abortion panel.

News-Leader staff

Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri Monday called on Gov. Matt Blunt to disband his "Task Force on the Impact of Abortion on Women," calling it a "sham" organization whose true objective is to make abortion illegal in Missouri.
The task force met for the fourth time Monday.

"The governor has set up a task force to ban abortion and now there's a proposed ballot initiative with the same goal. Commonsense Missouri voters seeking real solutions to reducing the need for abortion are left with nothing," said Kellie Rohrbaugh, director of Public Affairs for Planned Parenthood of Southwest Missouri. "Governor Blunt should work with Planned Parenthood to find common ground to reduce the rate of unintended pregnancies in Missouri. Instead he is using abortion as a political tool."

The task force is made up of 14 members, all of whom are anti-abortion and represent organizations that oppose legal abortion.

"The task force is an informal group, and nothing is stopping Planned Parenthood from forming their own group," said Jessica Robinson, press secretary for the governor.

Robinson said the task force may ultimately make recommendations to the governor.

Planned Parenthood has complained that the task force was formed with the ideological conclusion that "abortion hurts women" and is limiting its research to works that support this conclusion, with no differing views being solicited.

The task force was scheduled to meet Monday. Coercion as it pertains to pregnant women in abusive relationships will be one of the main items on the agenda, according to the Pathway, an online news source of the Missouri Baptist Convention. The meeting facilitator has been Cindy Province, a member of the convention. Four other MBC members are also on the task force.

'Not a coincidence'

The Elliot Institute — an anti-abortion organization based in Illinois — has submitted proposed ballot initiative language to the Secretary of State's office that would make all abortions illegal unless a doctor certifies the procedure is needed to prevent imminent death or severe medical risks, and would subject anyone who provides any drug, medical advice or assistance for a woman to terminate her own pregnancy to a fine of $800,000.

Supporters of the "Prevention of Coerced and Unsafe Abortion Act" would have to gather about 90,000 signatures to get the measure on the ballot in November.

"The governor's task force is a component of the ballot initiative to ban abortions campaign," said Rohrbaugh. "It's not a coincidence that both of these things are going on at the same time. This task force is a complete sham and should be disbanded immediately."

Robinson rejected that position.

"The governor is pro-life, and Planned Parenthood is a pro-abortion group that supports pro-abortion candidates like Jay Nixon," she said.

"Planned Parenthood believes that if Missourians are serious about reducing the need for abortion we must put prevention first and focus on reducing unintended pregnancies through comprehensive sex education and increased access to contraception and other family planning services," Rohrbaugh said.

Gov. Blunt can gather 14 extremists and take months to pretend to study abortion, but let’s show him that we can get 10 times that number of people to form a REAL Task Force to Protect Women’s Health and Lives in 24 hours. In fact, working together, we can gather thousands of Missourians who have more knowledge, sense and expertise to protect women’s health than Governor Blunt will ever have! If there was any doubt about the Governor’s true intentions in forming his Task Force, we now know that one of the groups providing input to the Task Force has launched an effort to ban virtually all abortions through a November 08 ballot initiative.

Use your voice and strength to protect women’s health and lives by signing this petition and joining our task force!

Another reason to support Jay Nixon...

Published October 31, 2007

Governor's lawyers have lost their way - and badly

One of the most remarkable things that's happened to me in two decades of journalism took me by surprise this week.
A government agency, the governor's office no less, sent me a box of material overnight about a matter of personnel. The box was full of a ream of papers, e-mails — many of them personal — and documents concerning the firing of Scott Eckersley.

They sent me two letters that described the firing of Eckersley, the former deputy counsel for Gov. Matt Blunt. Then they wrote me another letter describing even more reasons why Eckersley was fired. They questioned his sexuality and every element of his character they could think of. They called him a liar. They said he was a bad lawyer.

It was truly a remarkable occurrence.

Even more remarkable was the fact that while sending a box to me — I was the only reporter I know of who had actually made an official inquiry to the state on this matter — they also sent similar boxes to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Kansas City Star and The Associated Press.

That's more than remarkable. It might have never happened in Missouri government history.

But there's more.

In light of all of that, there might not be a more remarkable sentence ever written by an attorney than this one:

"Concerning your October 22, 2007, request under the Sunshine law for correspondence with Scott Eckersley regarding his termination and documents concerning the Sunshine policy, we believe those records are closed pursuant to Sections 610.021 (1) and 610.021 (3), RSMo."

The letter is from Blunt attorney Henry Herschel to Springfield attorney Steve Garner of the Strong Law Firm. Garner represents Eckersley. The letter was sent Oct. 26, the same day the state sent boxes of information about Eckersley to reporters all over the state.

You can read that again if you need to.

Yes, the governor of the state of Missouri — or his top attorney, anyway — believes it's OK for members of the public to have personnel information on a fired employee, but the lawyer representing the man? That would be against the law.

This is more than remarkable. It's astounding. It's embarrassing. It's arrogant.

Forget Eckersley for a moment. This is no longer about one man's attempt to get the government to do the right thing and being run over in the process. This is a story about the government of the state of Missouri having completely lost its way.

If Herschel is right in his letter to Garner (and that's a huge 'if'), then he's just indicted another attorney in the governor's office, Rich AuBuchon of the Office of Administration, for breaking the law. If it's illegal for Herschel to send the information to Eckersley's own attorney, then what makes it legal for AuBuchon to send the same information, and more, to the rest of the state? And let's not forget the other people the governor's office is apparently sending information to.

On the very day I called the governor's office, an anonymous Republican blog called "The Source" issued a "warning" to newspapers not to write about the Eckersley situation. And on the day after I wrote my column on Eckersley and Jo Mannies of the Post-Dispatch wrote a story on the same topic, two blogs (The Source and Missouri Political News Service) posted information that is identical to some of the documents sent by the governor's office to reporters. The blogs had one clear goal in mind: Smear Eckersley.

So it's OK to send information to reporters and others all across the state but not an attorney representing a former employee?

"It's incredible," says Garner. "They won't send Eckersley his own records but they have sent them to the press."

The governor's office — through AuBuchon — said it stands by Herschel's logic in his letter.

And the governor, at a news conference in Springfield, says he stands by his staff.

But the governor can't hide from this.

He can't hide from the fact that three lawyers who work for him, chief of staff Ed Martin, AuBuchon and Herschel, have been involved in an organized, taxpayer-funded attempt to make a former employee look bad, really bad. He can't hide from the fact that those attorneys sent reams of personnel information about a former employee to reporters all across the state.

He can't hide from the fact that his top attorney, meanwhile, refuses to provide the same information to the one man who should have it. Garner, of course, isn't so much worried about Herschel's letter as he is dumbfounded. Once legal action commences he'll get everything he needs to back Eckersley. The state won't be able to hide behind attorney-client privilege, as the governor did on Tuesday. In the end, the paperwork will tell the whole story.

When that happens, Blunt won't be able to hide from the incredible irony that this story started because the governor's office refused to provide e-mails from chief of staff Ed Martin in accordance with the Sunshine Law. Eckersley protested that action and got fired. Now the state is sending all sorts of e-mails all over the state to defend itself. But the top lawyer for the governor of the state of Missouri refuses to even release documents concerning the governor's policy on Sunshine Law because he mistakenly believes the Sunshine Law — which is about government openness — requires him to keep it secret.

It doesn't take a lawyer to see what's going on here.

Ed Martin thought he could intimidate Eckersley by threatening him. When that didn't happen, he tried to intimidate the media through more threats. Now that he's completely lost control of the situation, Martin is using every attorney and anonymous blog at his disposal to smear whoever gets in his way.

And meanwhile, the governor's office still doesn't believe in following the Sunshine Law.

At the end of Herschel's letter to Garner, he suggests the state is in the process of hiring private counsel.

That's a good idea.

It's obvious from Herschel's letter that the attorneys who work for Blunt are not up to the job.

And, just in case you need another reason to favor Jay Nixon...

My name is Richard Green, and I've lived in Missouri my entire life. For the last 25 years, I've lived here in Christian County, MO.

Last Friday, I invited Jay Nixon down to discuss a very personal matter: my health care.

I'm a single father of three, and I live with multiple sclerosis. I've had to work hard to overcome my disabilities and provide for my family. But like so many thousands of Missourians, Gov. Matt Blunt's 2005 cuts have made it impossible for me to receive the care I need. I've been struggling every day since to make ends meet.

I don't expect Matt Blunt to really understand what I go through every day -- but I do expect him to acknowledge that because of his cuts, people like me are hurting. But he evidently doesn't get that either.

Following my meeting with Jay on Friday, I turned on the local news only to hear Matt Blunt's spokesman say that I should be "thankful" that Blunt slashed my health care.

I couldn't believe my ears.

I am thankful for a lot in my life, but having my health care slashed over night is not one of those things.

Please take a moment and read this e-mail that I sent Gov. Blunt earlier today, and then forward this message along to other Missourians you know who are concerned about healthcare in our state.

God bless you and your families during this holiday season.


- - - - - - - - -

From: Richard Green
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2007
To: Governor Matt Blunt
Subject: No, Gov. Blunt, I'm not thankful

Dear Governor Blunt:

I was surprised and hurt when I heard your spokesman say that I should be thankful for your health care cuts, which directly hit me and my family. I am not thankful for your cuts. I am angry, and I would appreciate an apology from you for your spokesman's careless comments.

I live with multiple sclerosis, a disease that has confined me to a wheelchair and requires regular physical therapy and special durable medical equipment. Your 2005 health care cuts specifically eliminated these items for people like me. Without them, it's likely my multiple sclerosis will progress more quickly.

I worked hard for 20 years until I lost my job because my company decided my multiple sclerosis was too expensive to treat. In order to get the medications I need, I'm never allowed to have more than $999 in the bank. Because of your cuts, it's a constant struggle to make ends meet for my family.

Governor, do you really expect me to be thankful for these cuts and for your new health care plan, which does nothing to undo the damage you've caused to my family?

Governor, I wish you could spend one day in my shoes. You might then understand how difficult it is for my family to live with the consequences of your disastrous health care cuts. But you refuse to meet with people like me. I guess it's because we don't have high-powered lobbyists and we can't make big campaign contributions.

I am not alone. In fact, I'm one of about 400,000 Missourians who lost coverage or benefits because of your 2005 health care cuts.

I am thankful for a lot in my life. I'm thankful for my three children, whom I love very much. I'm thankful for so many people in my community who have helped me over the years. I'm thankful for my faith.

But, Governor, I am not thankful for your decision to slash my health care. None of us are. I sincerely hope you understand why your spokesman's comments have hurt so much, and I look forward to your apology.


Richard Green
Ozark, Mo.

Paid for by Nixon for Governor.
P.O. Box 143, Jefferson City, MO 65102. 573-761-5333.


For the Greenies amongst us here's our chance to help out. Please note, the Recycling Center that used to be on Troost by KCUR is not on E. 63rd by the Fire Dept. K

Community Recycling Centers
The Community Recycling Centers need you to help reduce the amount of trash going to the landfill! Bridging The Gap manages recycling centers in Kansas City, Mo. and Overland Park, Kansas that are open every week and are almost completely staffed by volunteers (each center is managed by a staff member). These centers offer volunteer opportunities every week but especially right after the holidays, when we get inundated with holiday packaging. Scheduling is flexible – whatever amount of time you have to give is appreciated! This is a great opportunity for individuals or groups. Kansas City locations: 1500 E. 63rd St., 91st and Hillcrest Rd., Metro North Shopping Center. Overland Park location: 119th & Hardy.

Kansas City WildLands Winter Ecological Restoration Workday
Saturday, February 23, 2008, 1 to 4 pm.
Volunteers will be cutting and treating invasive woody plants from three beautiful natural communities in the region, helping the native flowers and grasses to flourish again on these stunning wild areas. Tools will be provided. Blue River Glades Natural Area (south of Swope Park, managed by Jackson County Parks and Recreation); Hidden Valley Natural Area (north of the Mo River, managed by Kansas City Mo Parks and Recreation); or Ernie Miller Park prairie (Olathe, KS, Managed by Johnson County Park and Recreation District). Great for individuals and groups. Please contact Linda Lehrbaum to pre-register at 816-561-1061 x116 or
Litter Index: March 2008 (dates still to be determined, weekday and weekend dates will be available)
Do you want to see more of the city? Do you want to really see the impact litter has on our community? Help survey the amount of litter in Kansas City, Missouri, and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the litter issue. Volunteers work approximately four hours by attending a group training, completing the survey in teams of three people to a car and recording observations. (This is a visual survey done entirely from the car.) The results are compiled into a report that helps track litter trends in our community. This helps community groups know where to target their litter prevention efforts. Minimum age: 14; volunteers must be at least 18 years old to serve as drivers.

Arbor Day Tree Planting Event (April, date still to be determined)
Help beautify our community and address local air quality issues by joining Bridging The Gap's Heartland Tree Alliance program to help plant trees! Details for this year’s event are still being finalized; more details will be provided in a future email and will be posted on our website. Call Angela Schreffler at 816-561-1061, ext. 110 or email for more information.

EarthWalk/EarthFest Volunteer
Saturday, April 19, Shawnee Mission Park. Come help us celebrate the planet and raise money for Bridging The Gap’s environmental programs by helping staff the 12th annual EarthWalk and EarthFest! A variety of volunteer positions are available, from helping with setup to serving as a Course Monitor to staffing the food tent to helping with environmental education activities, and more! Positions available the week of the event and the day of.

Kansas City WildLands Spring Planting Day
Saturday May 3, 2008, 9 am to noon
Volunteers will plant native wildlflower seeds on public lands in the metro area to help restore these beautiful wild places. Jerry Smith Park prairie (south Kansas City, Mo.); Rocky Point Glades (Swope Park); tentative: Ernie Miller Park prairie (Olathe, Kansas). Please contact Linda Lehrbaum to pre-register at 816-561-1061 x116 or

Heartland Tree Alliance Tree Care Days: Help keep our community green and beautiful by keeping our urban forest healthy! We’ll care for trees on public property (parks, neighborhoods, municipal property, etc.) in the Greater Kansas City region by helping with mulching, weeding and sucker cutting. Tree Care Days take place throughout the year (usually fall and spring), usually from 9:00 AM to noon. Contact Angela Schreffler at 816-561-1061 ext. 110 or


Family Ties to Ethanol Plant Draw Questions for Rep. Sam Graves
Kansas City Star
By Steve Kraske
Thursday, December 06, 2007

When Rep. Sam Graves looked across the hearing room that day in 2004, he saw a pair of old friends looking back — Charlie Hurst and his son, Brooks Hurst.

Both were from northwest Missouri and came to Washington at Graves’ invitation as witnesses to promote federal subsidies for the renewable fuels industry. They were identified as members of a small ethanol plant cooperative in Craig, Mo., known as Golden Triangle Energy.

Left unsaid that morning was the Graves family’s ties to Golden Triangle. In 1999, Graves’ wife, Lesley, had invested $13,000 in the cooperative, and in 2006 she would invest $6,826 more.

Graves told The Kansas City Star on Wednesday that his failure to disclose his connection to Golden Triangle at the hearing was a mistake.

“Looking back on it, I probably should have,” the Tarkio Republican said.

He also acknowledged several mistakes in his personal financial disclosure forms filed each May. One of those concerned the amount of his wife’s investment in Golden Triangle.

“We’re fixing that right now,” Graves said. “We have an attorney helping us with the disclosures to get it right. Some numbers were not high enough. Some were too high. Why that was done, I have no idea.”

Graves said he double-checked the disclosures, but didn’t “double-check it closely enough.”

Democrats, already engaged in a fierce race to unseat Graves in 2008, say the miscues add up to larger concerns about the congressman.

“Sadly, Congressman Graves seems to be making a habit of bending the rules in Washington so they work for him and not everyday families in northwest Missouri,” said Kay Barnes, a Democrat and former Kansas City mayor seeking to unseat the four-term incumbent. “He’s been caught playing fast and loose with the ethics rules.”

The disclosures follow reporting by Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper that has, among other things, raised questions about the opportunity the Graves family received to invest not only in Golden Triangle, but also a biodiesel plant in Mexico, Mo. Lesley Graves has invested $15,000 in the plant.

Graves told The Star that his wife has made no money in the investment and that involvement in such cooperatives is a way for farmers to seize control of their own financial fates and boost the burgeoning renewable fuels industry. Graves is a grain farmer, but leaves the operation to relatives.

The Roll Call stories are the result of a well-orchestrated Democratic attack and the highly charged partisan atmosphere in Washington, he said.

“It’s a campaign,” Graves said. “And campaigns are a dirty business.”

The articles also spotlighted his acceptance of trips to Florida and other locales apparently on a corporate jet belonging to the Herzog Corp. of St. Joseph. Members of Congress can accept gifts from personal friends, although gifts valued at more than $250 need approval from the House ethics committee.

According to Graves’ disclosure reports, he received that approval. But if the flights were on a plane owned by the Herzog Corp., as opposed to Vice President Stanley Herzog personally, that could require Herzog to reimburse his company for the cost of the flights. An aide to Graves said Wednesday the congressman’s office was still checking the plane’s ownership.

Roll Call also pointed out that Herzog, which runs construction, rail service and rail-testing businesses, has significant issues before Congress, and Graves, as a member of the Transportation Committee, is in a position to help. The newspaper said a November 2006 letter from the ethics committee quoted Graves as saying Herzog “has no official business before the House.”

Graves acknowledged that Herzog, a friend of more than 20 years who could not be reached for comment, has hired lobbyists who work on his behalf in the nation’s capital.

“Stan has never asked me to do anything,” Graves said. “He’s never asked me to propose a bill for him or propose legislation.”

Graves spokesman Jason Klindt said if any discrepancies arise, “we will immediately work to resolve those issues.”

One ethics expert, Steve Carpinelli of the Center for Public Integrity, said Graves should have acknowledged his ties to Golden Triangle in the subcommittee hearing of the House Small Business Committee. The only consequence for not doing so, he said, would be if another member of Congress files an ethics complaint, a practice common during election years.

As for Graves fixing mistakes in his personal financial disclosure statements, Carpinelli said amendments are fairly routine.

“It’s not all that unusual for there to be a mistake when it comes to the wrong box being checked … in disclosure reports,” he said.

Graves said the Small Business Committee is an oversight panel that passes legislation only involving the Small Business Administration and its programs.

As a result, the hearing on renewable fuels was intended to be only informational.

“It doesn’t bother me in the least to say that my family invests in this, and that I’m a huge supporter,” Graves said. “This is the best thing that’s happened to farmers.”


Here are some fun opportunities in and around the area. K


Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri requests you presence at

Roe v. Wade 35th Anniversary Events
across Kansas and Missouri!

January 22, 2008 marks the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that established the constitutional right of women to choose to have a safe and legal abortion.

Each year, Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri hosts and supports several events across Kansas and Missouri commemorating the anniversary. These events help educate and energize activists and supporters around the issues of reproductive freedom. Get involved now by attending an event in your area!

Topeka - Roe v. Wade 35th Annual Celebration
Our Grandmothers Struggle, Our Mother's Freedom, Our Choice to Protect!
This event is sponsored by the Kansas Choice Alliance
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Time and Location: Registration - 9:30am at the Kansas State Capital 1st Floor Rotunda, Rally - 10am, Luncheon with Legislators - 12pm
Bus Transportation: Buses from JoCo and Lawrence for $12, or Wichita for optional donation of $20
FMI or RSVP: Contact Barbara Holzmark at 913-381-8222 or online at

Wichita - Chili for Choice
Join pro-choice activists and supporters for fundraising night to commemorate the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the 35th Birthday of the Wichita Planned Parenthood Health Center!
Date: Thursday, January 24, 2008
Time and Location: Home of Jean Garvey, 6pm - 9pm
FMI or RSVP: Contact Vanessa Sanburn at 316-263-7296 or email at

Columbia - Choice Celebration
Join pro-choice activists in Mid-Missouri for a week of campus events honoring Roe v. Wade ending with a Choice Celebration! More details to follow.
Date: Friday, January 25, 2008
Location: The Blue Note
FMI or RSVP: Contact Michelle Trupiano at 573-443-0427 ext 241 or email at

Kansas City Metro - Chili for Choice
Join pro-choice activists and supporters for fundraising night of spoken word poetry, music and chili in commemoration of 35 years of Roe v. Wade in the Heartland!
Date: Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Time and Location: Unity Temple on the Plaza, KCMO, The celebration lasts from 6pm - 9pm, Program begins at 7pm.
Tickets: Sponsor levels range from $15 to $1350, with general ticket cost of $35
FMI or RSVP: Contact Victoria Pickering at 913-312-5100 ext 257 or email at

This year more than ever, we need your generous support. Please pass this along to anyone who supports reproductive justice.


KC AFSC Peace and Justice Alerts (December 20, 2007)

Join us at the next

KC Iraq Task Force Monthly Meeting
Monday, January 7th at 6:30pm
at the AFSC office, 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO

At this meeting we will focus on organizing a Community Peace Festival marking the 5th Anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. Help us involve youth groups, congregations, social service organizations, activists, artists and others.
Help us build a stronger more powerful peace movement!

We invite you to join with others who believe our nation could be creating a just, sustainable and peaceful future but instead is going drastically in the wrong direction. We believe that there are many in our community who believe in and work for this positive future and that together we can more quickly realize this future. We encourage you to join us in a community peace festival and week of peace action to take place the week leading up to the fifth anniversary of the start of the Iraq war, March 12 to 19th.

During that week we, working with community, service, faith, civil rights, student, advocacy, arts and other groups, will organize and publicize activities in various locations which celebrate peace and educate the community.

One high point of the week will be a Saturday March 15 community peace festival (location to be determined) with groups organizing booths, activities and areas for arts, music, theatre, games, workshops, talks, puppet parade, etc. on a theme broader than the Iraq War – perhaps something like “The Path To Peace And Justice.” The specific language is yet to be determined.

We have brainstormed a number of things that could take place including an art exhibit, film festival, peace mural, a parade with large puppets, Iraqi refugee camp simulation, health screening, keynote speaker, activities for children… We will also invite social service, environmental, social change, faith and other groups to create interactive booths reflecting their part or vision of our “path to peace, justice and sustainability.” This might go along with other activities during the week like a lobby day, exhibits, performances, etc.

We would welcome your group’s participation in helping to create this festival. Groups are invited to:
-Send a representative to a planning meeting,
-create a peace event during the week of peace action,
-create a booth at the Community Peace Festival (suggested donation $25),
-endorse the event and provide volunteer help (suggested donation $50- booth space included and listed as endorser) or
-sponsor the event (suggested donation $100- booth space included and listed as sponsor).

Scholarships for groups unable to make the suggested donation can be negotiated.

Our next planning meeting will be on Monday, January 7 at 6:30pm at the American Friends Service Committee office, 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO.

Interested persons can contact me at 816 931-5256 to explore this further or to lets us know how your group will be involve.

Again thank you for your interest and any help you might be able to provide. To date 3,895 U.S. troops have been killed. Estimates of Iraqi deaths are as high as 1.2 million and over 4 million Iraqis are refugees. Each day 720 million dollars is spent on the Iraq occupation, money which could be sent on so many other human and community needs!

We can use your help: leafleting and collecting petition signatures, setting up or transporting Eyes Wide Open or the Cost of War displays; taking leadership and responsibility for a leafleting event or coordinating a group of people to bring the Cost of War flags to a location…

Ira Harritt
KC AFSC / KC Iraq Task Force
816 931-5256 /

January 7, Monday, 6:30pm
KC Iraq Task Force Monthly meeting
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO
The meeting will focus on planning events for the 5th Anniversary of the start of the Iraq war – creation on a peace festival

January 9th, 2008, 7 pm
Kansas City Plant Public Hearing
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
4501 Walnut St., KCMO 64111

The Kansas City Honeywell Plant which produces 85% of all nuclear bomb components (non-radioactive), is planning a move from the plant at Bannister and Troost to across from the Richards-Gebaur air base in South KC. The Environmental Assessement does not address the clean up of toxic chemicals at the old plant, (estimated cost is $287 million – no budget plan for this until FY2015), or the exposure to the community and former associates. The hazardous wastes generated through their industrial processes include beryllium dust, PCBs, acidic and alkaline liquids, solvents, oils, coolants and low level radioactive waste. The new plant will employ only about 2000 people, a loss of 650 jobs.

The deadline for public comment is January 14th, 2008. No other public input will be accepted by the General Services Administration after this date. YOU ARE ASKED TO EXPRESS YOUR CONCERNS. ALL ARE WELCOME

January 11th,
WHEN: January 11th- Time to be announced
WHAT: Screening of “The Road To Guantánamo, a poetry reading, and art exhibit
WHERE: YWCA Theatre and Art Gallery 1017 N 6th Street Kansas City, KS
CONTACT: Kara Erickson 913 321-5867
WHY: to mark the sixth anniversary of the first arrival of detainees at the U.S.-controlled detention facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Over the past six years, the United States has held more than 700 men at Guantánamo, and only a few have even been charged with a crime. This regime of indefinite detention is in clear violation of U.S. domestic law and international law. "The practices pioneered at Guantánamo Bay have corroded America's moral standing. Guantánamo symbolizes the Bush administration's human rights violations in the war on terror. The America we believe in would shut down Guantánamo now. Will you take a stand to help us denounce this facility? Kansas City Amnesty International Group #115 to host to mark the Sixth Anniversary of Guantánamo Bay.

January 13,
6:00 to 7:30pm
Cost of War / What’s the Best Way to Support our Troops Vigil outside Dancing with the Stars
Sprint Center, 13 and Grand, KCMO
Call AFSC to volunteer at 816 931-5256

January 30, 2008, 7:30pm
Lt. Cmdr. Charles D. Swift (Ret.)
"Guantanamo Bay and Its Implications for the Rule of Law"

For more than a dozen years as a lawyer for the U.S. Navy, Charles Swift took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Swift was assigned to defend Salim Ahmed Jamdan, a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. Swift appealed his client's writ of habeas corpus petition to the U.S. Supreme Court and defeated the Bush administration when the court found its actions violated the Geneva Conventions and the United States Uniform Code of Military Justice. He will deliver the Alpha Sigma Nu—Vincent Daues, S.J., Lecture on his experiences.

Lecture begins at 7:30pm and is held in the Mabee Theater, Sedgwick Hall, Rockhurst University, 53 & Troost, KCMO. It is free and open to the public.

To register your attendance, call (816) 501-4828.

THE DAY AFTER the 4,000th Death is announced in the KC Star
Candlelight Vigil
7:00pm at JC Nichols Fountain
Currently 3,878 U.S. troops have been killed in Iraq

EVERY SUNDAY: Iraq Peace Vigil, 4pm, JC Nichols Fountain, 47th & Main, Streets, Kansas City, MO

EVERY TUESDAY, JOIN THIS Peace Demonstration Every Tuesday between 5PM - 6 PM in the median strip on the south corner of the intersection at 63rd & Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. For more information email '63rd Street Patriots' at

EVERY WEDNESDAY, 5:00pm, Iraq Anti-War Protest, College and Quivira, Overland Park, KS (NW corner). Send a message to Sen. Pat Robert that it’s time to end the war!

We need your support to keep our life affirming peacemaking work alive.
Contribute. Volunteer. Spread the word!
Contact us and mail your tax deductible contribution to:
American Friends Service Committee
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO 64110
(816) 931-5256

Ira Harritt
Kansas City Program
American Friends Service Committee
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO 64110
(816) 931-5256
Fax (816) 561-5033


Some of you may not be aware of the 'eat local' movement. If not - here it is.
Eating locally saves so much - from fuel to bring in the produce, to producing it and storing it. Reducing that carbon footprint and creating a sustainable local food economy is vital for the future (or, at least I think so!)

You can get org. sweet potatoes, org. canned tomatoes (they are wonderful! I made chili this weekend with those and the org. winter squash I bought! - don't gag. Even Mike ate it and LOVED IT!) Org. steel cut oatmeal, org. brown rice. And now we can get org. seeds for sprouting - if your are into that.

It is pretty loose and free flowing. If you want to start eating better and eating locally - here is a way to do it. They will be at the Farmers Expo coming up in the spring, too.

Below is a link to a food buyer club for local/regionally grown organic food. No fees, just order what you want. There are about 26 of now. We hope to convince local farmers to plant enough to feed us during the winter - so we can continue to eat as locally as possible.

Squash Blossom Food Buyer Club of Kansas City:
Or just email Steve Mann at the address below:

Feel free to send this to anyone you may think may be interested. Delete it if you're not.

Vicki Walker
KKFI 90.1 FM Kansas City Community Radio
Listen Mondays 9:30am - KC Media Watchdogs - KC only media critique show!

"Democracy cannot survive without a free and independent press and without an involved and educated population." V Walker


And finally, a note from my friends at MWLC. K

Progressive Missouri Women's
Marching Manual
E-News from Missouri Women's Leadership Coalition

December, 2007

Gender Equality?? U.S. Drops to 31st Place. Pass it on.

QUESTION: What does the U.S. do just a little better than Kazakhstan but a little worse than Estonia??

ANSWER: The Swiss-based World Economic Forum annually ranks countries on the basis of gender equality. This year 128 world nations were listed, with the U.S. placed at #31 -- just below Estonia #30 and just above Kazakhstan #32.

The report measures the discrepancies between men and women in four categories; 1. educational attainment, 2. economic participation and opportunity, 3. political empowerment and 4. health and survival.

According to Time Magazine (Nov. 27), the U.S. slipped from 22nd place in 2006 to 31st primarily due to (WAIT FOR IT) its low political-participation rate for women.

SO, Marching Manual readers, if we're not ready to run for office or work on another woman's campaign for ourselves, we should do it for our country, right??

Top 35 of 128 nations based on Gender Equality 2007

1. Sweden
2. Norway
3. Finland
4. Iceland
5. New Zealand
6 Philippines
7. Germany
8. Denmark
9. Ireland
10. Spain
11. U.K.
12. Netherlands
13. Latvia
14. Lithuania
15. Sri Lanka
16. Croatia
17. Australia
18. Canada
19. Belgium
20 South Africa
21. Moldova
22. Cuba
23. Belarus
24. Colombia
25. Bulgaria
26. Lesotho
27. Austria
28. Costa Rica
29. Namibia
30. Estonia
31. U.S.A.
32. Kazakhstan
33. Argentina
34. Tanzania
35. Macedonia

Let's help Kay Barnes and Judy Baker move UP

6th District
Kay Barnes, the Kansas City mayor who led reclaiming Downtown KC, is running for Congress in District 9 against ultra-conservative incumbent Sam Graves.

9th District
Judy Baker, an outstanding health-care leader in the Missouri House, is running in District 9 against ultra-conservative incumbent Kenny Hulshof.

These two 2008 races are real opportunities to begin to balance our Missouri Congressional delegation of NINE, which now includes only ONE woman, Jo Ann Emerson (R) of Cape Girardeau.

Forget political parties. Every voter who believes in political equality and thoughtful, moderate candidates should get behind Kay and Judy. Sending these two bright, energetic women to Congress is a step toward balance and diversity in our delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Judy Baker has received good press lately in the Kansas City Star. Gov. Blunt, probably with 2008 in mind, is recommending $4.1 million over the next 20 months to fund a new law requiring the state to pay for rape victims medical exams. Check out the Kansas City Star story by clicking on the link below.In the final paragraph it mentions that Judy Baker, state representative, has tried for 3 years to get the state to pick up this cost. Here's the link.

Another KC Star article lists the Democrats' proposals to expand medicaid coverage, noting that Judy Baker is the sponsor.

Don't wait. Go to and and get busy. Donate now! They have goals to reach by Dec. 31. Volunteer to do a house party. Contact friends in their districts. Gather friends and plan a spring/summer yard sale to raise money and awareness.

Let us help you spread the word of your event. Send info to Send campaign stories to the Marching Manual at


NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: Let's resolve to keep Missouri from being the next South Dakota. Let's support candidates who understand the importance of women's rights and reproductive health. Let's support Planned Parenthood, the organization that is generally believed to be THE LEADER in efforts to make abortions unnecessary. And let's fight Gov. Blunt's anti-choice Abortion Ban Task Force - a "pro-life" effort that equals violence against women.

For inspiration, read the following letter excerpt from Planned Parenthood.

"Governor Blunt has recently convened an Abortion Ban Task Force - comprised of 14 staunchly anti-choice hardliners and NO scientists - which is supposed to study the detrimental effects that abortion has on women. A similar task force in South Dakota resulted in the abortion ban law that the people of that state had to revoke at the ballot box. "

"John McCastle, the Task Force leader, not only works in the anti-choice movement, but also opposes Planned Parenthood. In urging support for a sex mis-education and clinic closing bill earlier this year, McCastle said, "We are so close to passing this one, a huge victory for LIFE and a black eye for Planned Parenthood! Who is with me????" And, in defending why the Abortion Ban Task Force has excluded any differing opinions, he said: "If the governor wants information on how to reduce abortions in Missouri, he certainly wouldn't go to Planned Parenthood."

"As President/CEO of Alliance for Life Missouri - an organization that was "created to provide education and support to pro-life organizations throughout the Mid-West" -McCastle proposed that the Task Force tackle the question of whether a woman who has an abortion is more likely to commit a crime... And though he has posed this as an open question, he has already formulated his answer."

Help us spread the word about John McCastle and his sham task force - tell your friends!

"......., the Elliot Institute - an anti-abortion organization based in Illinois - has submitted proposed ballot initiative language to the Secretary of State's office that would change Missouri law to make all abortions illegal unless the doctor certifies it is needed to prevent imminent death or severe medical risks. Missouri cannot become the next South Dakota. We must not let these anti-choice politicians and activists make this choice for Missouri women and families."

ANOTHER RESOLUTION: Don't get mad -- get generous! Support good sense and women's health with a donation to the ERA PAC at, Click on DONATE to help progressive candidates who believe individuals - not politicians - can make the best decisions about their private lives.

REQUIRED READING: The Michael Kinsley Commentary in TIME magazine, Dec. 10

Michael Kinsley, a talented reporter, editor, columnist and television commentator who has Parkinson's disease, writes definitively about why "The stem-cell breakthrough doesn't make up for six years of hypocrisy and lost research." This article brings advocates up to speed.

Click here to read, "Why Science Can't Save the GOP".,8599,1688769,00.html

I Can't Believe You Said That

"Dear Wayne,
My desire is that you be released from prison. I feel that parole is the best way for your reintroduction to society to take place."
Governor Huckabee writing to Wayne Dumond, a convicted serial rapist who was paroled and within 6 months raped and murdered two women near Kansas City.

For more on this story click on Huffington Post or National Review .

I Wish I'd Said That
"We need to make sure this place is available to the people who own it and that's the people of this country, not the lobbyists,"

Senator Claire McCaskill talking about access to Congressional hearings

Missouri Women's Leadership Coalition | 6026 McGee | Kansas City | MO | 64113

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