Friday, June 30, 2006
Blue Hearts
Hey All,
Welcome to summer. It's definitely here in KC. And, like many moms, I've been running kids around from here to there. I'm glad to be able to get this out (hopefully) before many of you are out of pocket for the summer. I know how much you NEED the blog : ) Would hate to disappoint!
There's lots here. Please skim through and pick out what you'd like. I'm short on humor so you all need to send me some good stuff!! Lots of giving opportunities. We've got a lot of good candidates that need our support, not the least of which is Claire McCaskill v. Jim Talent(less). We MUST win this one.
All my best for you to have a happy and healthy summer. Please wear your sun screen. This is in memory of Bill's cousin, David Ashby, who succomed to agressive skin cancer on Christmas morning. Once he found out, he had less than a year with his 2 year old son and lovely wife.
You know the sad thing is, it's not that far fetched. Coming from someone who says "I'm the decider"! I guess the "decider" decided to make up his own word for "decision maker", what a bozo. No that's an insult to bozo. Bozo has more wit and intelligence than that dumb ass sitting in the oval office.
Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He told Bush that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost whimpering. Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld,
"Just exactly how many is a brazillion?"
George W. Bush and a secret service agent are taking a stroll when they come upon a little girl carrying a basket with a blanket over it. Curious, Bush asks the girl, "What's in the basket?"
She replies, "New baby kittens," and she opens the basket to show him.
"How nice," says Bush. "What kind are they?" The little girl says, "Republicans."
Bush smiles, pats the little girl on the head and continues on.
Three weeks later, Bush is taking another stroll, this time with Karl Rove. They see the little girl again with the same basket. Bush says, "Watch this, Karl; it's really cute." They approach the little girl.
Bush greets the little girl and asks how the kittens are doing, and she says, "Fine."
Then, smirking, he nudges Rove with his elbow and asks the little girl, "And can you tell us what kind of kittens they are?"
She replies, "Democrats."
Abashed, Bush says, "But three weeks ago you said they were Republicans!"
"I know," she says. "But now their eyes are open.
Anyone interested in getting one of these shirts, please let me know. That way I'll know you read the blog!!!! K
I wanted to show you this t-shirt I found that I am getting and I thought some other Blue Hearts women might be interested. It is a slimmer cut cute women’s shirt. It can be found on .
Anyway, I thought I would pass on this snappy new look! Let me know if you think other women might like them and maybe I could help secure some. Enjoy your summer! Stacy (Blue Heart)
"Enlightening Ideas for Public Policy..."
Vol. 8, Issue 25; June 19, 2006
Even if Iraq were to become stable, democratic, and pro-U.S., neighboring Iran would be -- and is -- the biggest winner in the region, according to Ivan Eland (director, Center on Peace & Liberty).
"General William Odom, former head of the National Security Agency and a conservative, opposed the Vietnam War because he believed U.S. involvement there helped the main U.S. adversary -- the Soviet Union," writes Eland in his latest op-ed. "Similarly, he opposed the invasion of Iraq because it helped the country most hostile to the United States in the Persian Gulf -- Iran. Iran is now funding, training, and supporting Shi'ite militias in Iraq, some of which are slaughtering Sunni Arabs.
Without Saddam Hussein holding the fractious Iraq together, Iranian influence there has skyrocketed.
Iranian influence is unlikely to dissipate, especially given the U.S. government's myopia, Eland argues: "Unfortunately, the Bush administration, oblivious to the stark geopolitical realities of the region, has been squandering U.S. lives and money -- $320 billion so far -- to help Iran expand its role as a regional superpower."
Senior Fellow Robert Higgs (author, RESURGENCE OF THE WARFARE STATE) argues that the mess in Iraq is primarily a moral mess, one whose responsibility extends from President Bush to the foot soldiers following orders.
"This whole endeavor is so appallingly pervaded by the most blatant moral hypocrisy that one scarcely knows where to begin a denunciation, except perhaps at the moment George W. Bush ordered the invasion to begin," he writes in an op-ed published in the CALGARY HERALD. "All the rest [Haditha, Abu Ghraib, massive civilian casualties, etc.] followed naturally and might well have been foreseen -- indeed, it was foreseen, by me and by many others."
"Win One for the Gipper (Ayatollah Khameini)," by Ivan Eland (6/19/06)
"Ganen por el Gipper (Ayatollah Khameini)"
"Bad Apples Keep Bobbing Up," by Robert Higgs (6/9/06)
"Las malas manzanas siguen apareciendo"
THE EMPIRE HAS NO CLOTHES: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed, by Ivan Eland
RESURGENCE OF THE WARFARE STATE: The Crisis Since 9/11, by Robert Higgs
Center on Peace & Liberty (Ivan Eland, director)
OK, some possibly offensive language here, but I know I feel just as strongly. Colorful explitives are sometimes needed, after all. K
Tom Gilroy: Bush's Trojan Christ
Thu May 4, 4:21 PM ET
While virtually every other country in the Western world recognizes May 1st to be 'the International Day of The Worker,' we here in America studiously ignore it as anything other than just another day. That's training for ya.
Sure, the occasional rabid pundit like confessed drug addict Rush Limbaugh or classified info leaker Robert Novak might reach deep into their propaganda bag of tricks to remind us that May Day was officially ordained 'Law Day' by that friend of the working man, President Ronald Reagan, but in general the media does it's best to placate its owners and not give the uppity working man his due.
You remember Ronald Reagan, who's first official act as president (if you don't count negotiating with the Iranian government to keep their American hostages until after he defeated Carter), was breaking the strike of air traffic controllers, the first salvo in an assault on worker's rights that follows a direct line through NAFTA to our current abominations of pension theft and the elimination of minimum wage in New Orleans? A real man of the people.
It was under Reagan that the whole religious 'Great Awakening' began, which wasn't so much an embracing of religion as it was a repudiation of the social advances of the 60's, with Donald Wildmon and James Dobson peddling their pre-Focus on Family 'Promise Keepers,' (where men rule the household), Phyllis Schafly screaming equal rights for women undermines 'family values,' and Charles Schaar Murray declaring--with a straight face--blacks do worse in America simply because they're stupid. It was an awakening, all right.
Suddenly, the 'ostracized' religious right were 'rejoining' the national debate under the 'revolution' of faith---spearheaded by a president who rarely set foot in a church during his reign, lied regularly and outrageously to the public, and illegally funded nun-killing death-squads in Central America.
Or so the story goes, if you listen to Karl Rove, Robert Novak, Peggy Noonan and the other shit-spinners who learned their chops at the feet of Reagan/Bush PR wunderkind Lee Atwater, a vicious mudslinging thug who died young of a brain tumor and renounced his scurrilous tactics on his deathbed---tactics that have made Karl Rove a household name.
What the Reagan years really ushered in was the start of 'The Great Hypocrisy,' the GOP's twisting of religion to create a class of disgruntled zealots so blinded by hate they'd rush to vote into office the very thieves, liars and torturers who would not only screw them at every turn, but would decades later deliver George W. Bush to our doorstep with his Faith Based Everything.
And 'the national debate'---where is it? There is no debate, just ideologues screaming at each other to see whose one-dimensional faith-based sound byte can 'win'--nonsense like 'God Hates Fags' and Rick Santorum's equating homosexuality with bestiality.
It used to be that Christians were known to all by their good deeds, but after almost four decades of the GOP's cleaving the populace into warring sects to be manipulated at the polls, 'being Christian' is no longer defined by doing good deeds, it's defined by an arrogant mission to tell others how they must live---who they can marry, who they can adopt, what they can say in public, what they must teach in schools---all the way down to what kind of medicine they should have access to.
It was easy to look away from inconvenient historical facts of Christianity like the Inquisition, the Crusades, or the pedophilia of the priesthood when you could still see true people of faith marching for civil rights, working in soup kitchens, or bearing witness in Nicaragua as the Reagan-funded militias gunned down families of peasants.
But 'The Great Awakening' now brings us faith-based leaders promoting torture and war, who lie to us on a daily basis, and violate our constitutionally guaranteed rights. The 'national debate' about values is reduced to quippy bumper stickers like 'It's Okay To Pray' or 'One Man + One Woman = Marriage.' Our national conversation on ethics, morality, and faith has become a kind of WWF 'Religious Smackdown.'
The Great Awakening has also brought us, as reported in the Boston Globe ( , a president who claims the authority to disobey over 750 of our laws. Maybe it's time to ask ourselves what exactly has really been awakened.
Is it a coincidence that our most pro-faith president is also our biggest law-breaking president, presiding over our most scandalized administration in history? You tell me.
Is it coincidence that our pro-faith vice president has a gay daughter he'd prevent from adopting a child or marrying her lover, a great Christian whose wife converts from writing lesbian romance novels to ethics primers for kids in the blink of a presidential campaign, a soldier of Christ who tells a senator on the Senate floor to go fuck himself? You tell me.
We have two million people incarcerated in federal prisons. If we're to believe the polls the Pat Robertsons and Bill O'Reillys constantly throw at us that 89% of our country are practicing Christians, that means our federal prisons are stuffed to the breaking point with about 1.8 million Bible-thumpers. Hmmm.
How come when we talk about religion in the great national debate, it's never fact s like these we discuss, instead of arguing over posting the Ten Commandments in City Hall?
What about Lynddie England, described as rarely leaving her barracks in Iraq except to go to church--and of course torture naked Iraqis by forcing them to simulate anal sex for snapshots taken by the father of her illegitimate child. If that 89% is correct, wouldn't that mean that the majority of Lynddie's co-torturers were, you know, Christians? When are we having that faith-based discussion?
And poor Clay Aiken, touting his Christianity to the blind, er, I mean, fans of American Idol, rumored to be caught in a gay relationship and seeking the love that dare not speak it's name on the Web, all the while recording an album of ---you guessed it---Christian songs. It's been reported some fans are so mad they want to sue RCA for false advertising. Why aren't we hearing any talk about the gullibility of a Christian audience in our national debate? Why is this kind of intelligent discussion avoided in favor of finger pointing and sneering? If Aiken were gay, his claim of devout Christianity gave him the power to fool--or at least encourage denial in--millions. Shouldn't we look into that power?
And what about the Duke lacrosse team? The entire debate is whether or not a rape occurred, not what were a room full of Christian boys from 'good homes' (two of them educated by Jesuits) doing ordering strippers to entertain them while threatening sodomy with a broomstick and taunting black women with racist jibes about their cotton-picking slave grandparents? Why don't we discuss Christianity in that context?
And of course there's Tom Delay, the great born-again purveyor of moral rectitude, the man with his hand in so many tills even Texas republicans had to cut him loose. The President salutes him as a great patriot who 'served his country well' and the Rove-minions repeat ad nauseum, 'the Dems don't have their poster-boy for corruption to kick around anymore.' What does that mean, exactly? Did he do it, or not? If he's innocent, then how could he possibly be a poster-boy for corruption? And if he's guilty, why is the president saluting his patriotism? And if he's a thief and a liar, what are we to think of his relentless touting of Christian values? Doesn't that mean he's a hypocrite, and that Christian values, in a political sense, are meaningless?
What all this tells us is claiming to be Christian, on it's own, signifies nothing. In fact, given the religious makeup of our populace, pedophiles, thieves, liars, hypocrites and torturers in America are more likely to be Christians than Jews, Buddhists, Muslims--or atheists. It's simple math.
This is why the Founding Fathers--God-fearing men all--were smart enough to keep religion out of government. They knew the power appealing to a people's spirituality could have, that faith could be invoked while hiding great violations of it's very tenets, encouraging otherwise docile people to do and say despicable things, to hate each other, to threaten the very fabric of a progressive, democratic, rational society.
Ironically, what Bush, Rove and the rest of the Fourth Reich have shown us is that putting more religion into government doesn't make it more moral; what it does is allow every cut-rate thief, liar and hypocrite to hide behind the cloak of morality while committing immoral acts around the globe and at home that would shame any real person of faith.
It's not a coincidence that the most 'faith-based' government we've had in over a century is also the most corrupt, secretive, murderous, lying, and law breaking in history. In the name of 'reawakening' Christianity in government, Bush, et al, have shown us why it should be locked out. As soon as a politician starts quoting the Bible and going on about his faith, we should run him out of town.
What the GOP has in fact done is mock and destroy Christianity, and that's a shame. Like Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, Christianity and God are some of our greatest creations. By appealing to an ignorant fringe of assholes who codify their hatred behind a misuse of spirituality, the GOP is an embarrassment to not only truly devout Christians, but to the rational world at large.
But they've done us an odd--if unintentional---service by showing us in practice exactly what the Founding Fathers feared and tried to prevent; that religion strikes so deep and renders people who want to be 'good' so gullible to manipulation, that any absurdity can be pushed through, including nonsense like dinosaurs walked the earth only two thousand years ago, praying can stop cancer, and somebody else's marriage can threaten your own.
So if you're against abortion, don't have one. If you're against gay marriage, don't marry one. And if you're against illegal immigrants, don't hire one. Clean your own damn house and pick your own damn broccoli, and when you're unmarried daughter breaks her pledge and gets pregnant, face your own moral dilemma and search your own spirituality for answers--just don't force me to apply those answers to my daughter. I'll handle her, and my grandchild, on my own.
But if you want me to see the beauty and the power of your faith, lead by example, not by cramming it down my throat or voting for politicians who want to screw all of us so the rich can get richer. Christian values are feeding the hungry, helping the poor and aiding the sick---not cutting Medicare, veteran's benefits, environmental protections, school lunch programs or health care. Period.
Values are something you adhere to, not something you force someone else to adhere to; that's called fascism.
And don't stand there and tell me a smiling president who reserves the right to violate a Congressional ban on torture is a man of faith.
That's called stupidity.
I may have sent this out before but I think it bears repeating, especially given the prior article! K
Subject: Christians - By Maya Angelou
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong .
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Share this with somebody who already has this understanding, as reinforcement. But more importantly, share this with those who do not have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Christian, so that the myth that Christians think they are "perfect" or "better than others"can be dispelled.
From: "Brian Bond, Democratic Party"
Subject: If you were setting the agenda...
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 12:54:53 -0500
Imagine for a moment that you're Republican Bill Frist, the Senate's Majority Leader, and you have the power and awesome responsibility to control what issues the Senate considers and when it considers them. Knowing everything you do about the crises facing our nation and the things that most concern Americans, would your top priority be to:
A) Force the administration to change its failed strategy in Iraq
B) Help consumers walloped by $3.00 a gallon gas and take steps to reduce our oil addiction
C) Pass the first minimum wage increase in 10 years and develop plans to create good jobs in America
D) Expand educational opportunities for college by providing relief from skyrocketing college tuition
E) Ensure access to health care for every American
F) Amend the Constitution to deprive gay people of equal rights under the law
As someone who cares deeply about this nation, its problems and its future, you probably said A, B, C, D, or E. But Republican Majority Leader Frist chose F.
Why? Because it's an election year, and Republicans are in deep trouble. So they've decided that instead of addressing the things Americans really care about, they're trying to change the subject and using wedge issues in hopes of distracting from their failures and dividing Americans to win elections.
Majority Leader Bill Frist plans to bring up the "Federal Marriage Amendment" as the first order of business when Senators return on Monday. And to drive the message home, President Bush will host a Rose Garden event that same day, to reiterate his support for this divisive, unnecessary and diversionary attack on LGBT Americans and on our Constitution--even though his own Vice President opposes the amendment and his own wife says it's wrong to use this issue as a campaign tool.
This is a sad moment in American history. Over two hundred years ago, our nation's founders and framers thought guaranteeing rights and protections was so important that the first ten Constitutional amendments they proposed, which the states soon ratified, were an explicit Bill of Rights for individuals and for states.
Now, in an unprecedented move, Bill Frist and George Bush hope to convert this bedrock document that confers liberties and freedom into one that erases them. They want to deny equal rights under the law because of individuals' sexual orientation--and they want to deny to states avenues that would allow them to recognize and extend equal rights and protections to the LGBT community and their families.
Democrats are committed to equal rights for every American; we oppose discrimination in all their forms. We think it's wrong for the federal government to bar states from extending rights and protections to all their residents. We believe no church, synagogue or mosque should be told by the government whom they may or may not marry. And when it comes to government services and benefits, every citizen and taxpayer should receive equal treatment.
You can show Bill Frist just how wrong he is by signing this petition to stop this divisive amendment and tell him to put the Senate to work on the things that really matter to America and to Americans. Sign on here, and your message will be delivered the day the Senate begins debating the issue:
Thank you,
Brian Bond
Executive Director, GLLC
Democratic National Committee
From: "Raven Brooks,"
Subject: BuyBlue Actions based on 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006
Viewing Al Gore's new movie titled 'An Inconvenient Truth' [] is quite possibly the most important thing you can do this year aside from voting. If you haven't heard about this excellent movie I'd highly encourage you to check out the web site at and watch the trailer for the movie.
You'll find a great starting point for taking action on their web site at However, I wanted to focus on some things this 'Action' page doesn't really cover, things that BuyBlue supporters are already very in tune with.
All of you already know about the incredible power that you can wield with your wallet and there are many ways that you can put that power to work in support of this important cause. Here are 5 powerful ways to get started.
1. View the movie and take friends. One of the more important things you can do is go see the movie and take as many people as you can with you. Send emails to your network of friends; make a date with your friends to go see it. Perhaps you have a conservative friend or two, drag them out to the theater and offer to pay for their ticket if you have to. You can find a list of theaters screening the movie here: Over the month of June this movie will open in most major cities, and I expect that more theaters will screen the film as popularity grows. With only 77 theaters the movie is in the top 10 - most blockbuster flicks are shown on 3,000+ screens.
2. Get the movie screened in your city. Consult the list of theaters and ask your local theater if they plan to screen the movie. If not ask them why not and work to bring it to your city.
3. Patronize companies taking action to solve the problem. Some companies are actively taking steps to help solve this problem by doing things such as creating energy efficient appliances, working on alternative energy solutions or developing high fuel efficiency cars. Vote with your wallets and show your support for these efforts. Shift money away from companies like Exxon that continue to claim there isn't a problem despite overwhelming scientific evidence. Some consider it 'greenwashing' but every other major oil company has changed their public posture on the issue while Exxon's CEO continues to say things [] like "We're going to be an active participant in this debate. We're just going to have to disagree."
4. Talk to your power company about Green Power. Your electric company may have a program that offers Green Power - use it! The US Department of Energy has a web site where you can look up companies in your state []. If your power company doesn't offer Green Power ask them why not, and encourage others in your community to do the same.
5. Take on the Media. One of the facts that Gore presents in this movie is the fact that scientists, in fact, do not disagree on the subject of global warming. A survey of scientific publications was conducted and out of something like 938 publications reviewed NONE of them disagreed. However, a survey of the media shows that 53% of articles written state there is disagreement or otherwise cast doubt on the subject. Casting doubt on an issue is a tried and true tactic, heavily used by the Tobacco industry to convince that tobacco really wasn’t that bad for you. Make it a habit to check for articles on Global Warming highlighted by Media Matters []. Read these articles, and write to the publications responsible for them correcting their facts. You'll want to address letters, faxes and emails to the reporters that covered the story, editors of the publication and the publication's ombudsman if they have one. Most of the time you'll find email addresses within the article or on the main web site of the publication. Write your own letters to editors of your local papers and get your thoughts on the subject published. We must hold the media accountable if they refuse to do it themselves. We are all consumers of media and where choices are available you can vote with your wallet by dropping subscriptions and tuning them out.
Raven Brooks
President and Chair,
Buy Blue relies on volunteers and contributions. Please consider making a secure contribution, funding our effort!
Contribute here:
Subject: John Francis
This is an article about a very interesting and dedicated man who gave up driving in all motorized vehicles for 22 year because he didn't want to be part of the problem!!! They are making his life into a movie (thank you Will Smith and Morgan Freeman!) His book is an incredible journey. Talk about living what you believe.
It never ceases to amaze me how greedy the other side can be. What else can be there motivation vs. the environment? Haven't they ever seen Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home???? Come on people. K
From: "Frances Beinecke, NRDC Action Fund"
Subject: Help defend the Endangered Species Act!
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006
Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,
Over the past few months, NRDC BioGems Defenders like you have played a pivotal role in defending the Endangered Species Act -- one of America's most important and effective environmental laws. I am writing to update you on this ongoing fight and let you know we are still depending on your efforts.
Ninety-eight percent of the species protected under the Endangered Species Act still exist today, and many are stable or improving. Without this landmark law, wildlife such as the bald eagle, American alligator, California condor, Florida panther and many other animals that are vital parts of America's natural heritage could have disappeared from the planet years ago.
Nonetheless, in September 2005, the House of Representatives narrowly passed a bill that would have severely undermined the Endangered Species Act. The bill (H.R. 3824), sponsored by Representative Pombo of California and backed by large-scale developers and other powerful industry players, would have eliminated protections of critical habitat for all endangered and threatened species, exempted the pesticide industry from wildlife safety regulations and authorized millions of dollars in payouts to wealthy developers, oil and gas companies and other special interests in return for not killing or injuring endangered and threatened species.
Opponents of strong wildlife protection then turned their attention to the Senate, and tried to push though a similar bill. NRDC Action Fund Supporters responded by sending more than 120,000 letters to the Senate, and delivered the unmistakable message that Americans support a strong Endangered Species Act.
Thanks to these efforts, to date the Senate has not taken up an endangered species bill. This is a major victory over powerful industry groups, who were using their money and influence in an all-out effort to undermine the Endangered Species Act.
But we still need to keep up the pressure. So, if you haven't contacted your senators yet, go to and let them know that you support this landmark law.
If you have contacted your senators, please forward this message to your friends. Working together, we can help ensure that our nation continues to protect endangered species and their irreplaceable wild habitats.
Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund
The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
More on the environmental theme!! K
Have you seen Al Gore's new movie, "An Inconvenient Truth"?
The film shows incredible images of the devastation that global warming is causing around the world. It's hard to believe there are still leaders who refuse to accept the urgent need to deal with global warming. Well, let me introduce you to Republican Congressman Richard Pombo. Pombo has consistently voted against plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and he's taken hundreds of thousands in contributions from oil and gas companies. According to Pombo, "There is no evidence of man-made global warming."1
Pombo is being challenged by DFA member Jerry McNerney. Jerry just won DFA's Grassroots All-Star competition and now he needs your help to meet a crucial reporting deadline today. You can send a strong signal to Pombo and other head-in-the-sand Republicans by supporting Jerry today:
Handpicked by Tom DeLay to Chair the House Resources Committee, Pombo has been named one of the 13 "Most Corrupt" members of Congress2 and the League of Conservation Voters placed him on their "Dirty Dozen."3 Pombo has voted repeatedly to undermine environment safeguards. Last year, the New York Times called his bill to give away public lands in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and mining industries a "sleazy piece of work."4
Unlike Pombo, Jerry McNerney will fight global warming and work for ordinary Americans. As a Dean Dozen candidate in 2004, Jerry McNerney won more votes than any Democrat in his district since 1992. This year, Jerry has earned support from DFA members across California and around the country. He's already won a tough primary against the establishment's candidate. And early poll numbers show McNerney with a narrow 46-42 lead over Pombo.5 Jerry McNerney has a great chance to take out Pombo. But he needs your help to meet a critical finance deadline today. Here's what your contributions will mean:
$25 brings Jerry's message to 50 voters via mail.
$50 buys 25 lawn signs for grassroots supporters.
$100 gets Jerry valuable time on a local radio station.
$250 helps Jerry compete with Pombo on a local TV station.
If you agree with me that global warming is one of the most important issues of our time, please help Jerry McNerney defeat Pombo today:
When he wins in November, Jerry McNerney will work closely with other progressives to pass new initiatives to fight global warming and protect our environment. But Jerry can only really tackle global warming if we elect a Democratic Congress in November. Let me tell you about just a few of the candidates DFA is supporting:
In Texas, John Courage is running even with a Republican incumbent who has opposed virtually every single global warming bill in Congress and earned a 0% rating from the League of Conservation Voters.6
DFA candidate Mary Jo Kilroy in Ohio is challenging the Republican House Whip who supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Last year, Kilroy's opponent earned a dismal 6% rating from LCV.7
DFA candidate Bernie Sanders has led the fight for energy reform and conservation in the House. After he wins in November, he will lead the fight against global warming in the Senate.
You can help Bernie Sanders, John Courage, Mary Jo Kilroy, and the rest of our DFA candidates at:
If we can take out Pombo and other head-in-the-sand Republicans, it will send the message loud and clear that we will no longer tolerate business as usual on global warming... or anything else!
Thanks for everything you do.
Jim Dean
P.S. You can meet Jerry McNerney at DemocracyFest 2006 in San Diego July 14-16. Planners have lined up a star-studded cast, including DNC Chair Howard Dean, Al Franken, and dozens of progressive leaders. You can find out more about DemocracyFest and sign-up online at:
1Earth Day 2002 press release
2Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics
3League of Conservation Voters
4New York Times, October 30, 2005
5Poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research on May 1-3
6LCV Scorecard
7LCV Scorecard
I just sent a message to Al Gore, who's been attacked in his efforts to raise the issue of global warming. So far, right-wing talkers have compared him to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, and one likened Gore's pursuit of solutions to global warming to Adolf Hitler's pursuit of genocide.
Tell him thank you and that he should keep fighting here:
I want you to particularly view the letter from Utah. K
From: "Howard Dean"
Subject: Utah? Yes, Utah.
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006
We're in the middle of our campaign to explain the 50-state strategy and answer questions about its purpose. So far you've heard from me, but this week you're going to hear straight from the people on the ground about the work we're doing to build a truly national party.
We are at a crucial moment in our party's history, and it's up to us to show that the 50-state strategy has the financial backing of ordinary Democrats across the country. We're doing that in a new way, too: we're counting the number of people donating on our web site, and we'll reveal the amount at the end. Less than halfway through this drive we hit the goal of 5,000 people.
As a result, we've set a new one and we're going to keep going, because this is about getting the word out: the 50-state strategy is right for our party, and the people who support it will stand up and be counted. Make your donation to support the 50-state strategy now:
Today I'm passing along a note from the state party chair in Utah -- not a place many would expect the national party to be focusing its resources. But as you will see our work is already paying off.
Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Dear Fellow Democrat,
I want to let you know what the 50-state strategy has meant in my state.
When we leave the Republicans unopposed in places like Utah, it frees them up to concentrate on making inroads in marginal districts. Members of Congress in tough places deserve support, too. Representative Jim Matheson here in Utah, Representative Stephanie Herseth in South Dakota and even a potential pick-up like Congressional candidate Gary Trauner in Wyoming need a healthy, functioning Democratic Party in their states in order to survive. The 50-state strategy is making that happen.
"Win for today" is not a long-term strategy by itself, and it has left millions of Americans and vast areas of the country without a healthy political dialogue. When we don't show up for tough fights, they only get tougher the next time around.
We're changing that now. The April 29th canvass put a clear Democratic message and a call to volunteer on the doorsteps of 15,000 registered Democrats here.
That has never happened before.
A whole generation of Utahns have never seen a representative from the Democratic Party except on TV. Democrats had become outsiders who do things to us, not insiders who do things for us. The 50-state strategy has turned that around.
"Even in Utah" there are thoughtful Democrats elected to office like Congressman Matheson, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, and Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon. The DNC's investment here will make sure that they retain their seats. I expect the 50-state strategy efforts will help Mayor Corroon get a majority of Democrats to support his policies on the Salt Lake County Council. That will show Utahns for the first time in a decade that we have the ability to govern effectively.
The national party has starved places like Utah for a long time. Consequently, Utahns were starving for new leadership. But we are already on our way. Not only is the 50-state strategy laying the groundwork for long-term change in Utah, we have already seen the results.
Already, 2006 marks our best candidate recruitment in over 15 years. We have recruited candidates for every single State Senate race, and we have challengers running in ten State House races that went unopposed in 2004. The recruitment efforts, led by new staff deployed as part of the 50-state strategy, include not only life-long Democrats but also six Republicans who have switched parties.
The 50-state strategy is the future of our party here in Utah. With your support it can be the future of our party everywhere.
Thank you.
Wayne Holland, Jr.
Utah Democratic Party
Here are excerpts from an addendum article that appeared this week (in June) in USA Today:
Democrats rebuild on the prairie
By Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY
[...] When Howard Dean ran for chairman of the Democratic National Committee, he promised state parties he would spread money and professionals around the country in a long-term quest for viability in "red" Republican states. He's followed through with a 50-state plan to revive moribund state and local organizations.
Dean says Democrats have dug themselves "a deep hole" by focusing on one election at a time, usually in the "blue" states where Democrats are strong. "That's a cycle that has to be broken. We want a long-term business plan," he says. [...]
The state was a low priority for the DNC. Of the $731 million the party raised for the 2004 elections, Nebraska got $12,000. "The national Democrats were sucking money and volunteers" out of Nebraska, state party chairman Steve Achelpol says. Adds executive director Barry Rubin, "They called us an 'export state.'"
Times have changed. The DNC is now spending $120,000 a year to pay the salaries of three organizers and a spokesman here. Nationwide, the party has hired and trained about 190 people in 50 states in its $10-million-a-year program. The goal is to create voter lists and activist networks that don't vanish when campaigns are over or powerful Democrats retire [...]
Success stories cited by the DNC include West Virginia, where the party created a precinct program to bolster organizing and turnout and has recruited leaders for almost half the state's nearly 2,000 precincts; and South Dakota, where the state party fielded candidates for 94 of the 105 legislative seats -- 26 more than in 2002. [...]
Two years ago, 11 Democrats were on the November ballot for the state Legislature; this fall there will be 15. Four years ago, Democrats had a candidate in one of three races for Congress.
This year they have candidates for all three seats: cattle rancher Scott Kleeb, attorney Jim Esch and former lieutenant governor Maxine Moul. All three are "a cut or two above" the usual in quality, says state politics expert Robert Sittig, a retired University of Nebraska professor. [...]
Click the following link to read the rest:
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Although MCLC is here in KC, I don't consider this a local issue. Stem Cell research is important worldwide, not just in KC. Check out "How You Can Help" in MCLC's website:
Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures
June 1, 2006
Coalition Update
If you’d like to make a financial contribution to support the campaign to pass the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, you can now donate easily online by visiting our website at – or by clicking this direct link to our online contribution form. Every contribution, no matter how small, will help us get more information out to voters about the importance of protecting lifesaving research and cures in our state. Online donations can be made using VISA, MasterCard or American Express. COALITION MEMBERSHIP PASSES THE 50,000 MARK
We are proud to announce that more than 50,000 individual Missouri citizens have signed up as members of the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures – and our membership keeps growing daily. As we’ve mentioned before, the strong support we’ve received from people like you has made us the largest and fastest growing coalition ever formed to support a ballot measure in Missouri. We’re also proud to let you know that our organization members now include more than 60 leading national and
in-state patient and medical groups. Among the newest organization members supporting the Stem Cell Initiative are:
The American Liver Foundation, Missouri Chapter
The Lupus Foundation of America, Missouri Chapter
The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society
The National Association of Spine Specialists
To see an updated list of notable supporters, please visit the "Who We Are" section of our website. COALITION SPEAKERS AVAILABLE FOR PRESENTATIONS
Our Speakers Bureau is available to make presentations on the Stem Cell Initiative to groups across the state. We already have made more than 160 presentations to 6,500 Missourians and dozens more are on the schedule. The speakers continue to receive accolades from organizations that have hosted the 15-minute presentations, which are followed by question-and-answer sessions. If you know of a group that would like to hear the facts on the Stem Cell Initiative, please contact us at
800-829-4133 or send an email to
Thank you for your continuing support. Between now and November there are many ways you can get involved in our campaign – such as forwarding this email to your friends to help us spread the word about the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. For more information, please visit the "How You Can Help" section of our website.
We’ll send you another Coalition Update in a few weeks. In the meantime, you can always see the latest news and information about the Coalition and the Stem Cell Initiative on our website at
This voter information authorized and paid for by the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, Sandra Aust, Treasurer.
Attention all java junkies~ We have just received some terrific news! Planned Parenthood of KS & Mid MO has been chosen as one of ten charities being highlighted this quarter by The Ten-Cup Coffee Shop. The Ten Cup's motto is: Changing the world one cup at a time by donating 10% of our profits to 10 charities in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan area.
It is a neat place - and a neat idea! So please spread the word that there is a great neighborhood coffee shop that is supportive of PPKM. The more business they get - the higher the donation will be that PPKM receives. It is perfect for coffee, breakfast, lunch, dessert - meetings, get-togethers. If you are looking for a place to plan a small offsite meeting - consider doing it at The Ten Cup. They have meeting tables and comfortable couches and chairs.
Not only will we receive a donation from them - it is also a fantastic (and free) PR and outreach opportunity. The Ten Cup will place PPKM's name and mission in their menu for the next 3 months and feature our brochures and information throughout their establishment.
Info about The Ten Cup:
651 E. 59th Street (59th & Holmes - in the Morningside Shops), Kansas City, MO (866) 745-6362
Hours: M-F 7am–4pm; Saturday 8am–4pm; Sunday 9am–3pm (Former home of Sarah's)
The Ten Cup, in the heart of Brookside, is an upscale version of today’s popular coffee house. Morning menu items include a fruit-and-yogurt parfait and fresh scones. Gourmet lunch items change seasonally, but always feature a delicious soup and creative salads, in addition to fabulous sandwiches. Leave room for our wildly popular handcrafted cupcakes, cookies or other treats from our in-house bakery.
Thanks - don't forget to head to the Ten Cup for your next cup o' joe.
Happy holiday weekend,
April Adicks
Director of Development
Planned Parenthood of Kansas & Mid-Missouri
the planned parenthood promise
creating hope for humanity:
the freedom to dream, to make choices
and to live in peace with our planet.
Hey Blue Hearts,
I received a call from Nancy Boyda about a fundraiser she's having on July 9th for her race for congress in Topeka. She'd really like some representation from the KC area. It would be a great event to support if any of you are available
The event will be held at Dennis and Lyn (Shaw) Langley's home/estate in Shawnee on Sunday, July 9. There is a reception for sponsors at 3:00 and an open house at 4:00-5:30. Sponsors are $4000, $2000 and $1000. Tickets are $100 per person.
They are really hoping for sponsors!!! You can get more details by contacting them directly.
Nancy Boyda for Congress
510 SW 10th St.
Topeka, KS 66612
Please send contributions to:
Nancy Boyda for Congress
PO Box 1474
Topeka, KS 66601
Your Democratic Party News June 2006
Hope your summer is going well. Here is your latest news. As always, please get back to me with any suggestions about the newsletter and with any additions, events, articles you would like to see here in this newsletter going out to thousands of Democrats. Phil LeVota, Chairman; Jackson County Democratic Committee
in this issue
Featured Article: Join Claire McCaskill in Jackson County
Poll: Democrats Providing Leadership on Important Issues
Missouri House Democrats Have Plan For The Future
Democratic Calendar
There's the News... Here's the Rant:
Poll: Democrats Providing Leadership on Important Issues
Republicans are Out of Touch with Missourians
A poll released yesterday by the St. Louis Post- Dispatch and KMOV-TV shows Democratic candidates consistently beating Republicans because Democrats are in touch with Missouri voters when it comes to issues like increasing the minimum wage, supporting stem cell research, restoring Medicaid coverage, and opposing efforts to prevent seniors and the disabled from voting by requiring a voter ID.
It’s no wonder Democrats have such a sizeable lead in both the Senate and governor’s race,” said Jack Cardetti, Missouri Democratic Party spokesman. “In their zest to cozy up to special interests, Missouri Republicans are increasingly out of touch with Missourians on important issues from minimum wage to stem cell to health care coverage.”
"On each of these important issues, Missouri Republicans and specifically Senator Jim Talent have a taken a position that the vast majority of Missouri voters disagree with.
Missouri House Democrats Have Plan For The Future
Go to ttp:// for the newsletter and other news!
Gov. Matt Blunt today signed Senate Bill 1014, a law that may deprive as many as 200,000 Missourians of their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote. Under this new law, voters must show an approved federal or Missouri photo identification card to be eligible to cast a ballot.
While the Missouri Democratic Party continues to believe that this is an unconstitutional statute designed to prohibit elderly, poor and disabled voters from having a voice in our government, the Republicans have made SB 1014 the law in our state — for the time being, at least. An aggressive challenge to this law will be made, but we must work now to ensure that every eligible Missouri voter has the required photo ID in November. To do that, we need your help.
Make Sure You Have the Required Photo ID. Find Out How to Get One if You Don’t. Make Sure Your Family and Friends Have the Right ID. Don't wait!
Democratic Calendar:
Happy 4th of July! Have a safe holiday!
Saturday, July 8, 2006: Clay County Picnic Celebration for Democrats: The Clay County Democratic Central Committee cordially intes you and your family to the 2006 Picnic Celebration for Democrats at the Festival Pavillion at Macken Park in North Kansas City from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The event will feature Congressman Emanuel Cleaver. great food an fun. $25.00 per adult and $5.00 per child. Questions call Janet: 816-460-5559.
Saturday, July 15, 2006: KC Pride Auction Fundraising Event from 6 to 9 p.m., at the home of Gene Pulliman and Dean Sanderson, 1006 West 67th Street (just east of Ward Parkway). Tickets for the event are $25 per person in advance or $35 at the door. If you can assist with a donation or by volunteering, please contact KC PRIDE President John "Coach" Comstock by phone at (816) 523-3135 or by e-mail at
July 19, 2006: Reception & Auction for the Missouri House Democratic Campaign Committee at the Uptown Theater, 3700 Broadway, Kansas City from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. For information and to RSVP please call Amanda Good, HDCC Finance Director, 573-636-5241 ext. 121 or email
August 2, 2006: Greater Kansas City Democracy For America's AUGUST MEETUP with special guest Congressman Emanuel Cleaver to speak at the August Meetup on August 2, 2006 at 7:00pm. For more meeting details:
August 8, 2006 Primary Election Day: HELP GET THE VOTE OUT!!
There's the News... Here's the Rant:
Today, Wednesday, June 28th - President George Bush will be in Missouri to raise money for Jim Talent ... again. The President and Republicans across the nation are scared to death of this Claire McCaskill woman. They are scared to death that Senator Claire McCaskill will bring common sense and midwestern sensibility to Washington D.C and also gain control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrats.
Today's activities are an excellent comparison of the values of these two campaigns. In this corner, George Bush and Jim Talent will be in Clayton, Missouri charging rich people $2,000 a plate at the Ritz Carlton. In the other corner, on the other side of town, veterans and community leaders who support Claire McCaskill will be raising money for Missouri's brave soldiers and their families.
Calire will spend her time raising much needed and deserved funds for the Missouri Military Relief Fund, an organization that assists Missouri National Guardsmen and Women and their families. Jim Talent will be spending his time in a money grabbing, fundraiser in a luxury hotel in a St. Louis suburb.
But you can help the "good guys" and join them if you want at Wild Acres Park, 10400 Midland Boulevard, Overland, MO 63114. Go to www.claireonline for more info. Now tell me again, which party is the party of values? Keep up the good work!
Kansas City, here we come....
The Missouri Project Victory (the Democratic Coordinated Campaign) has a new office in Raytown located at 6614 Blue Ridge Blvd (next to the Santa Fe Inn).
It's been a great few weeks for Project Victory 06 since we began our operations in Jackson County. This past week over 1,000 doors were knocked on and over 7,000 phone calls made in our early efforts to get out our Democratic message.
For more information contact: Zach Wineburg, KC Regional Field Director, Missouri Project Victory 2006, 6614 A Blue Ridge Blvd., Raytown, MO 64133, O 816- 356-1659, F 816-358-7134,
Join our mailing list!
phone: 816-821-8531
Jackson County Democratic Committee | P.O. Box 3314 | Indep. | MO | 64055
Join Women for Sanders for an Ice Cream Social on July 8th 1-3 PM at Lake Jacomo, Shelter #9, in Fleming Park. Meet Mike and learn about his plans for Jackson County. He's running to replace Kathryn Shields for Jackson County Executive. Bring you lawn chairs and the kids and make a day out of it. Sounds like great fun!!!
No Charge - RSVP to
This is from Blue Heart, Laura Norris. Please contribute today if you can. K
I know a few of you were going to attend the (totally fun!) BBQ on Sunday…so I am sending you this link in hopes that you might still contribute to Jolie’s campaign. I strongly believe she is the best choice in this primary election…she is the only (real) pro-choice democratic candidate in the race and this seat is particularly important to maintain as progressive. I also love that her campaign is so grassroots—it would be nice to see values and experience placed above money in an election! That being said – she does need financial help! Please take a minute to read the briefing below—it will give you a good sense of her campaign!
My best –
Dear Friend:
We only have 41 days until the August 8th Primary. You have helped create the most aggressive and visible campaign for Missouri’s 10th District Senate Seat. Your political support and generous financial contributions have already had a tremendous impact on the campaign. I write today because I need your help now more than ever.
To date we have exceeded our initial fundraising goals, knocked on thousands of doors and campaign volunteers are busy phoning voters to secure their support. I have been endorsed by the Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus, NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri, Four Freedoms Democratic Club, KC PRIDE Democratic Club, PROMO, Missouri ERA PAC, Missouri Women’s Leadership Coalition, The Victory Fund, Missouri State Representative Beth Low, former State Representative Vicki Walker, as well as rank and file Democrats throughout the district.
Last week the Kansas City Star recognized our efforts by reporting that we are running the most aggressive campaign for this seat. It is crucial that we capitalize on our successes by stepping up our efforts to raise money and reach even more voters.
My opponents are also working hard – two of them have dumped huge sums of their own money into the race in an attempt to buy this seat. One of my opponents has already sent several district-wide mailings and his TV ads started to air this weekend. The people of the 10th District deserve to have a progressive leader who reflects all of our values. We simply cannot afford to have our positive, progressive message silenced by conservative Republican-like candidates.
I need your continued political support and financial contributions to fight the conservative Democrats’ attempt to buy this seat. If you have already contributed to the campaign, I am asking you to make another contribution. If you are unable, or if you have already given the maximum contribution allowed, I am asking you to help me raise additional money from your friends and family.
Your additional support can make the difference and time is of the essence. The next campaign finance deadline is June 30th. Any contributions made by the deadline will be contained in that report and will help demonstrate the strong depth of support for my campaign.
Please use the enclosed envelope to contribute now. Or if you prefer to make an immediate contribution online please visit
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in my message. I will not let you down.
Jolie Justus
Social Justice. Economic Justice. Jolie Justus.
If you have questions or comments, send us feedback to
Paid for by Justus For Senate, Edwin Gladbach, Treasurer
Email powered by The Lazarus Group Email System.
(Volunteer opportunities, Blue Hearts)
Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures
June 28, 2006
Coalition Update
The National Children’s Leukemia Foundation recently joined with dozens of other leading patient advocacy organizations in endorsing the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. In a June 19 press release, Founder and President Steve Shor stated:
“Based on the National Children’s Leukemia Foundation’s research involvement worldwide, I believe there is no doubt that stem cell therapy will provide the cure. Only time will reveal the tremendous capacity and far-reaching abilities of this technology. However, we can say now that we are very close to a revolution that will enable the medical community to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people facing life-threatening illness.”
The entire press release can be read on the Coalition’s website at
In addition to the National Children’s Leukemia Foundation, we’re very pleased to welcome the following Missouri and national groups as new members of our growing Coalition.
Montford Point Marine Association, St. Louis Chapter
Concerned Clergy Coalition of Kansas City
Sickle Cell Disease Association of Kansas City
Kidney Cancer Association
To see an updated list of notable supporters, please visit the "Who We Are" section of our website.
Coalition members contribute greatly to our campaign by spreading the word about the Stem Cell Initiative to their family, friends and neighbors. Two updated publications now available on our website can help you share the basic facts on the Initiative. “Key Talking Points About the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative” is a one-page list of key facts about our Coalition and the Initiative. “Setting the Record Straight” provides information explaining why claims made by opponents of the Stem Cell Initiative are false or misleading. You can read and download both updated versions on the Coalition website at
Over the next several months, our volunteers will be staffing the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures booth at a number of community fairs and patient advocacy events. Volunteers will hand out literature, speak with people about our Coalition and the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, and invite them to join as Coalition members. A regularly updated list of events is posted in the “Events of Interest” section of our website at If you would like to volunteer a few hours to help staff the Coalition booth at a scheduled event, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Carina Miller, at 816-561-4700 or send an email to
For all you theater lovers, please check this out!!!!! K
The Guantanamo Bay Project, "Honor Bound to Defend Freedom" , most certainly a subject for our time, is being presented by a local professional group. Julie and I have seen productions by "In Play" and their playwright/director Jacqee Gafford; totally impressive! You will not want to miss this production. Friends please let your friends know about this production.
Take Care
Paul Rola
“The Guantanamo Reading Project”
Honor Bound to Defend Freedom
A staged reading depicting the stories, testimony, and writings of the inmates of Guantanamo Bay Prison, and the inmate’s families - Presented By Kansas City Theatre, InPlay Theatre Company, for the Benefit of DFA – Democracy for America – A Progressive Political Action Organization.
Jacqueline Gafford, Artistic Director of InPlay, Director of such critically acclaimed productions as “Crowns” at the Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Playwright and Director of “Nothing Comes To Sleepers” and “Harlem Knights”with InPlay Theatre, will direct the reading. The production will be produced by InPlay at the Westport Coffee House Theatre on Pennsylvania Street in the heart of Westport in Kansas City, MO on July 14, Friday, at 7:00 pm. Admission is $7.00, and tickets may be reserved in advance by calling (816) 765-5767, or they may be purchased at the door as available.
A discussion and reception will follow the production. The public is cordially invited to participate in the reception and discussion, and meet the cast and director.
InPlay Theatre Company, a Kansas City based theatre company, will present “The Guantanamo Reading Project”, a staged reading of the disturbing and controversial script, “Honor Bound To Defend Freedom” written by Victoria Brittain, and Gillian Slovo. The play is a dramatized presentation of spoken evidence and letters from British “GITMO” detainees, and their families. This is Guantanamo in the prisoners words. This is the story of the prisoners detained by the Bush administration without benefit of “due process”, required by our Constitution.
“Honor Bound To Defend Freedom”, was first commissioned by London’s Tricycle Theatre. It has been presented in several cities in the United Kingdom and also in the United States in cities such as New York City, Tucson, San Francisco, San Diego and Boston.
The reading is presented in cooperation with The Center For Constitutional Rights, to encourage community action and communication about U.S. detentions at Guantanamo Bay. This production is one of many across the US and abroad.
In Play’s production of the “Guantanamo Bay Reading Project” will benefit the Kansas City Chapter of Democracy for America, a political Action Group which supports progressive candidates and progressive issues. With events such as the “Guantanamo Bay Reading Project”, DFA challenges the public to take action to address a situation which runs counter to core American values and beliefs.
The Guantanamo Reading Project , “Honor Bound To Defend Freedom”, will be presented by InPlay Theatre for the benefit of the Kansas City Chapter of DFA – Democracy for America at Westport Coffee House, on Friday, July 14 at 7:00 pm. Admission is $7:00 per person. Tickets may be reserved by calling (816) 765-5767, or may be purchased at the door on the night of performance, as available.
For questions about the production call Fran Farah, or Jacqueline Gafford at (816) 765-5767.
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." --Hebrews13:2
This is from Courtney Fuchs who owns it's Only Natural on Gregory at Wornall. Hers is a store we definitely need to support. Check out her Eco-Tip of the month:
Those of you who know me, know that while I have strong views, like we all do, about many environmental issues affecting us today, I try to never impose my view on anyone, I just like to share information then let people make their own judgment. And I always invite intelligent discussion about any issue involving the environment.
So my eco-tip for this email is an invitation to hear for yourselves what real scientists -without an agenda- are saying about global warming. I'm talking about Al Gore's new movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that opened today in Kansas City.
I read a review where Roger Ebert said he never thought he would be recommending the movie, but he was extremely impressed with the information and felt it was an important movie to see. I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to because I believe in informing myself - propaganda won't impress me, but facts do. So I hope you'll see it and please feel free to tell me what you thought after considering what is presented!
Here is a little info about it:
The truth is coming soon to a theater near you: Al Gore’s New Global Warming Movie “An Inconvenient Truth”
Al Gore’s critically-acclaimed new film “An Inconvenient Truth” offers the best opportunity we’ve ever had to capture the immediate attention of all Americans and move this country forward quickly to stop global warming. While the problem is urgent, the solutions are clear, and with American ingenuity and leadership, we can avert disaster and restore the world’s confidence in our values. Let’s work together to make this movie a success, and turn the audience interest into action.
One easy way to get involved as virtual marchers is to buy a ticket and bring a friend to see this movie. Then help spread the word. The more people go see this movie on opening weekend, the more theaters will pick it up. Bring the power of the Virtual March to movie theaters across the country.
Marching forward,
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Try to stay cool in this heat --and remember the shop is air-conditioned! See you soon-
Courtney Fuchs, owner
It's Only Natural - Beautiful Clothes for a Beautiful Planet
407 West Gregory
Kansas City, MO 64114
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4
A percentage of all sales goes to local charities
Here's another reason we have to be engaged in KC. Can you believe this is even an issue??? Kristin
After a year-long battle with the conservatives on the State Board of Education, we finally have a decision on sex ed. On a 6-4 vote, the Board passed the following statement today:
"Each board of education shall provide a complete abstinence until marriage program in human sexuality that is developmentally appropriate, including information about sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV/AIDS. It is imperative that medically accurate and research-based information be provided, including factual information regarding contraception and disease prevention."
The Bad:
Kathy Martin made the motion to change the word "comprehensive" to "complete," because the word comprehensive means "condoning pre-marital sexual activity and promiscuity." Arrgh! Her motion was seconded and passed. No one spoke in favor of abstinence-until-marriage at open forum yesterday, while seven people came from all over Kansas (Lindsborg, JoCo, Lawrence, Topeka) to speak in favor of comprehensive. We had such great speakers, including teens who choose to be abstinent because of their comprehensive sex education. Yet, the Board did their own thing.
The Good:
The statement goes into model health standards as a "suggestion" and not a mandate. We can still continue to teach comprehensive programs, as 75 percent of KS schools currently do. Some of our friends in the Department of Education would like to work with us to develop a letter to send to all districts informing them that they may disregard the Board's action without penalty. We have organized more than 6000 supporters statewide and gathered excellent press on this issue.
The Ugly:
You have GOT to see the last line of this story!! Kansas Board of Education approves new sex ed policy
Associated Press
TOPEKA, Kan. - The State Board of Education on Wednesday adopted a new policy on human sexuality courses that is likely to upset advocates of comprehensive courses.
The new policy says local school districts shall have complete programs of "abstinence until marriage," but those programs also will provide information about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases.
It's not clear how influential the new policy will be. It will become part of guidelines on health education, but districts don't face any penalties if they don't follow them. And supporters of the policy said they merely want to give districts guidance on the best approach to sex education.
The board's conservative majority saw the language as a compromise from mandating abstinence-only courses. But minority board members worried the goal is to emphasize abstinence rather than give students information about preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
"The attitude built around it is to scare kids out of something," said board member Sue Gamble, a Shawnee Republican who was on the short end of the board's 6-4 vote. "Scaring doesn't teach them anything."
But some board members made it clear that "abstinence until marriage" was vital.
"I'm not sure I want to say, 'OK, you're out of high school, you're 17 or 18, and we're not going to say you're not going to have to abstain,'" said board member Connie Morris, a St. Francis Republican. "I want to stick with abstinence until marriage."
Board member Kathy Martin, a Clay Center Republican who initially pushed for an abstinence-only mandate, said the new policy will send local districts and students a consistent message. "It is the Christian message, after all, of what we want young people to do," she said.
Thank you so much for all your help and support on this issue. I'll post some press clips below.
Sarah London
Planned Parenthood of Kansas & Mid Missouri
In keeping with the KS Education theme....
”The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” Bertrand Russell
Dear Friends: Many of us have concerns about recent policies adopted by the Kansas Board of Education on science standards, sex education, and selection of an unqualified, incompetent Commission of Education. Each of these policies won a 6-4 vote, with the same six conservatives voting as a winning bloc every time.
We now have a chance to make a difference and put an end to the policy making that is affecting the quality of our children’s education, as well as the image of Kansas. John Bacon, an ardent conservative from Olathe, is up for re-election (3rd District) as is Connie Morris (District 5), Kenneth Willard (7) and Iris Van Meter (9)
Take Back Kansas Upcoming Events
Addressing Parties - Help with addressing GET OUT THE VOTE postcards that will be mailed across the state.
Wednesday, July 5 - Thursday, July 6
Tuesday, July 11 - Thursday, July, 13
Tuesday, July 18 - Thursday July, 20
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Get Out the Vote Calls
Friendly reminder calls to registered voters to VOTE in the primary.
Monday, July 24 - Friday, July 28
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Saturday, July 29 - Sunday July 30
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Monday, July 31 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Take Back Kansas Sponsors:
Kansas Families United for Public Education
MAINstream Coalition
Kansas Alliance for Education
True Blue Women
Please check your calendars and email Jen and Margaret or call 913-649-3326 to sign up for volunteer work. Bring a friend. All events will take place:
Mainstream Coaltion | 5350 West 94th Terrace | Suite 103 | Prairie Village | KS | 66207
Jen Wewers McKnight, M.Div. and Margaret Bowen
Two of your neighbors who are volunteering to help Take Back Kansas
AFSC Peace and Justice Alerts
Educate Yourself. Share your knowledge. Take Action! For information about the American Friends Service Committee,
contact us at 816 931-5256 or
No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots. - Barbara Ehrenreich
Iraq Updates / News Updates / Alerts
Action Reports from the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada
More than a thousand supporters in over 30 cities and towns took part in the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada on Tuesday, June 27. Outside of Fort Lewis, Washington - where Lt. Watada is being held pending trial - 200 rallied at the base gates (photos above). These are a few after action reports we have received so far:
Action Alert :
Supreme Court Challenges Presidential Power, Now Congress Should Act
The Supreme Court ruled today that the military tribunals established by President Bush to try detainees at Guantánamo Bay are illegal under U.S. law and under the Geneva Conventions. In a sharp rebuke to the sweeping seizures of power by this administration, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote, "Trial by military commission raises separation-of-powers concerns of the highest order.... Concentration of power [in the executive] puts personal liberty in peril of arbitrary action by officials, an incursion the Constitution's three-part system is designed to avoid."
The Court has spoken. Now Congress needs to act to help restore the checks and balances designed into the U.S. system of government by the framers of the Constitution. Nearly every week the press offers new findings about a sweeping system of government spying programs established and operated without review by any court and hidden from most members of Congress. Here’s what we know so far:
The National Security Agency (NSA) is collecting the records of every phone number dialed by nearly 200 million people in this country over the last five years; The Treasury Department has tapped into the vast database maintained by a Brussels-based clearinghouse for financial transactions to gather information on tens of thousands of people without a court warrant or judicial review; and The NSA is reportedly developing tools to spy on the 80 million people who use online networking communities such as MySpace and Facebook.
These surveillance programs are not focused narrowly on suspect individuals but are broad data-gathering operations that collect information on hundreds of millions of people without court review or congressional oversight. FCNL is particularly concerned that Sen. Arlen Specter has proposed dangerous new legislation (S. 2453) that would permit the National Security Agency to continue its spying program without court review for as long as the president deems it necessary. Rather than rubber-stamping the president’s program with new legislation, Congress should investigate these programs and insist that the president follow existing law which requires the NSA to seek warrants through the FISA court.
Take Action: Independence Day Recess
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper applauding the Supreme Court decision on military commissions and expressing concern about the president’s domestic spying program. In the letter, urge your senators to investigate this program and not to rubber stamp the president’s illegal domestic spying. Many newspapers will print stories about the Supreme Court decision and have been printing stories about government spying in the past few weeks. Your letter will have a greater chance of being published if you refer to these stories. See more tips on writing letters to the editor at
If you’ve got more time, write or call your senators local office today to request a meeting while your elected officials are back in your state to discuss president’s domestic spying program. You can find tips on how to schedule a meeting at can find contact information for your senators local offices on our website at Or attend a public meeting where one of your senators is going to speak and ask a question about the domestic spying program.
More -
“It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way: War, Poverty, Hunger
Choose Peace Now!”
Peace Vigil and Rally
Sunday, July 23,
4:00 to 5:30PM
47 & Main, KCMO
Following the rally there will be a workshop on dealing with angry people -- counter protesters, returning troops who may be suffering from post-traumatic stressand our own anger. Stay tuned for more information.
The event is sponsored by the KC Iraq Task Force and the American Friends Service Committee.
For more information call 816 931-5256 or go to
Help plan and implement anti-war and peace education, organizing and advocacy actions!
Come to the next meeting of the KC Iraq Task Force is on Monday, July 24th at 6:30pm at the AFSC office, 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO.
Help plan:
weekly visits to the offices of area senators and congresspersons;
Missouri and Kansas Eyes Wide Open State Exhibits;
August caravan to Camp Casey
“Let There Be Peace On Earth” Quilt Project
and other actions.
Upcoming Peace and Justice Activities
Click on link or scroll down for more information about the peace and justice activity
Peace and Justice Teach-ins will be on a break. For up to date information go to:
July 4th, Tuesday, 10:30AM – 2:30PM, Patriots Picnic, to celebrate the Fourth of July, the freedoms of our democracy and to support the continuing peacemaking work of the American Friends Service Committee. Enjoy hot dogs, burgers (veggie and otherwise), salads and other picnic fare. There will be games for the kids (young and old), and live music by: Kasey Rausch, Bluegrass / Folk / Country singer songwriter and Women of the Drum. Also participate in our July 4th Apple Pie Bake- Off. At the home of Sharon Lockhart, 8336 Sagamore, Leawood, KS For more information see below.
July 10, Monday, 6pm, Civil Liberties Campaign Planning Meeting at the AFSC office 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO. Call 816 931-5256 for information or directions.
July 23, Sunday, 4:00pm to 5:30pm, It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way: War, Poverty, Hunger Choose Peace Now!” Peace Vigil and Rally . Hear comment from Bro. Louis Rodemann. Demonstrate your stand for peace, J.C. Nichols Fountain, 47th & Main Streets, KCMO
July 24, Monday, at 6:30pm, KC Iraq Task Force Monthly Planning Meeting, at the AFSC office, 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO
July 25, Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Jay Coghlan director of Nuke Watch of New Mexico will present KANSAS CITY PLANT AND RELIABLE REPLACEMENT WEAPONS City. Mr. Coghan will speak about the Kansas City plant which boasts of more than 90% of the U.S.' nuclear weapons components production and will encourage long-term local opposition to U.S. nuclear weapons programs At All Souls UU Church, 4501 Walnut. . The talk will be preceded by a potluck dinner. Please bring your favorite dish to share.
EVERY Sunday: Iraq Peace Vigil, 4pm, JC Nichols Fountain, 47th & Main, Streets, Kansas City, MO
EVERY TUESDAY: Join this Peace Demonstration Every Tuesday between 5PM - 6 PM in the median strip on the south corner of the intersection at 63rd & Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. For more information email '63rd Street Patriots' - Bob Rowe ( or Carol (
Join us for a Patriots Picnic
You are invited to celebrate the Fourth of July, the freedoms of our democracy and to support the continuing peacemaking work of the American Friends Service Committee on Tuesday, July 4, 2006, from 10:30am to 2:30 p.m.
Let Freedom Ring! Keep the Faith! Join us and Celebrate the Fourth with like minded Patriots!
Enjoy hot dogs, burgers (veggie and otherwise), salads and other picnic fare. There will be games for the kids (young and old), and live music by
Kasey Rausch, Bluegrass / Folk / Country singer songwriter & Women of the Drum
Participate in our July 4th Apple Pie Bake- Off
For more information call 816 931-5256.
at the home of Sharon Lockhart
8336 Sagamore, Leawood, KS 66206
(Off 83rd St. two blocks west of Stateline Rd.)
We will provide a chance to learn more about the American Friends Service Committee and to contribute to our important work for peace and social justice. Suggested donation $25 / family.
R.S.V.P. to Deborah at 816 931-5256 or email . Please feel free to bring friends who may be interested in learning more about AFSC.
Another world is not only possible, she's on her way.
Maybe many of us won't be here to greet her, but on a quiet day,
if I listen very carefully,I can hear her breathing.
-Arundhati Roy
July 25, Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Jay Coghlan director of Nuke Watch of New Mexico will present “KANSAS CITY PLANT AND RELIABLE REPLACEMENT WEAPONS City. Mr. Coghan will speak about the Kansas City plant which boasts of more than 90% of the U.S.' nuclear weapons components production and will encourage long-term local opposition to U.S. nuclear weapons programs at All Souls UU Church, 4501 Walnut. The talk will be preceded by a potluck dinner. Please bring your favorite dish to share.
Co-sponsors: All Souls Social Justice Committee, American Friends Service Committee, Ward Parkway Patriots, Iraq Task Force.
Dear Defenders of our Civil Rights and Liberties,
Join us at our next
Civil Liberties Campaign Planning Meeting
Join us on Monday, July 10, 6pm
At the AFSC office
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO
Call 816 931-5256 for information or directions.
Help plan activities to
* educate the community of the importance of our civil liberties, - we are beginning to plan short civil liberties vignettes to be aired on radio and cable TV
* oppose invasions of our privacy, - identify what information about we local customers has been given to the government by local telephone companies
* developing a “Civil Liberties Public Ed. Quiz”
* challenge domestic spying
* and more!
Contact me for more information.
Ira Harritt
816 931-5256
The information and events described in AFSC Peace and Justice Alerts are intended to educate and assist members of our community in becoming active in working for a more just and peaceful world. Inclusion of a listing does not necessarily imply that AFSC KC agrees with all points of view that will be represented at the event.
The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice
We need your support to keep our life affirming peacemaking work alive. Contribute. Volunteer. Spread the word!
Contact us and mail your tax deductible contribution to:
American Friends Service Committee
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO 64110
(816) 931-5256
Ira Harritt
Kansas City Program
American Friends Service Committee
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO 64110
(816) 931-5256
Fax (816) 561-5033
Welcome to summer. It's definitely here in KC. And, like many moms, I've been running kids around from here to there. I'm glad to be able to get this out (hopefully) before many of you are out of pocket for the summer. I know how much you NEED the blog : ) Would hate to disappoint!
There's lots here. Please skim through and pick out what you'd like. I'm short on humor so you all need to send me some good stuff!! Lots of giving opportunities. We've got a lot of good candidates that need our support, not the least of which is Claire McCaskill v. Jim Talent(less). We MUST win this one.
All my best for you to have a happy and healthy summer. Please wear your sun screen. This is in memory of Bill's cousin, David Ashby, who succomed to agressive skin cancer on Christmas morning. Once he found out, he had less than a year with his 2 year old son and lovely wife.
You know the sad thing is, it's not that far fetched. Coming from someone who says "I'm the decider"! I guess the "decider" decided to make up his own word for "decision maker", what a bozo. No that's an insult to bozo. Bozo has more wit and intelligence than that dumb ass sitting in the oval office.
Donald Rumsfeld briefed the President this morning. He told Bush that 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq. To everyone's amazement, all of the color ran from Bush's face, then he collapsed onto his desk, head in hands, visibly shaken, almost whimpering. Finally, he composed himself and asked Rumsfeld,
"Just exactly how many is a brazillion?"
George W. Bush and a secret service agent are taking a stroll when they come upon a little girl carrying a basket with a blanket over it. Curious, Bush asks the girl, "What's in the basket?"
She replies, "New baby kittens," and she opens the basket to show him.
"How nice," says Bush. "What kind are they?" The little girl says, "Republicans."
Bush smiles, pats the little girl on the head and continues on.
Three weeks later, Bush is taking another stroll, this time with Karl Rove. They see the little girl again with the same basket. Bush says, "Watch this, Karl; it's really cute." They approach the little girl.
Bush greets the little girl and asks how the kittens are doing, and she says, "Fine."
Then, smirking, he nudges Rove with his elbow and asks the little girl, "And can you tell us what kind of kittens they are?"
She replies, "Democrats."
Abashed, Bush says, "But three weeks ago you said they were Republicans!"
"I know," she says. "But now their eyes are open.
Anyone interested in getting one of these shirts, please let me know. That way I'll know you read the blog!!!! K
I wanted to show you this t-shirt I found that I am getting and I thought some other Blue Hearts women might be interested. It is a slimmer cut cute women’s shirt. It can be found on .
Anyway, I thought I would pass on this snappy new look! Let me know if you think other women might like them and maybe I could help secure some. Enjoy your summer! Stacy (Blue Heart)
"Enlightening Ideas for Public Policy..."
Vol. 8, Issue 25; June 19, 2006
Even if Iraq were to become stable, democratic, and pro-U.S., neighboring Iran would be -- and is -- the biggest winner in the region, according to Ivan Eland (director, Center on Peace & Liberty).
"General William Odom, former head of the National Security Agency and a conservative, opposed the Vietnam War because he believed U.S. involvement there helped the main U.S. adversary -- the Soviet Union," writes Eland in his latest op-ed. "Similarly, he opposed the invasion of Iraq because it helped the country most hostile to the United States in the Persian Gulf -- Iran. Iran is now funding, training, and supporting Shi'ite militias in Iraq, some of which are slaughtering Sunni Arabs.
Without Saddam Hussein holding the fractious Iraq together, Iranian influence there has skyrocketed.
Iranian influence is unlikely to dissipate, especially given the U.S. government's myopia, Eland argues: "Unfortunately, the Bush administration, oblivious to the stark geopolitical realities of the region, has been squandering U.S. lives and money -- $320 billion so far -- to help Iran expand its role as a regional superpower."
Senior Fellow Robert Higgs (author, RESURGENCE OF THE WARFARE STATE) argues that the mess in Iraq is primarily a moral mess, one whose responsibility extends from President Bush to the foot soldiers following orders.
"This whole endeavor is so appallingly pervaded by the most blatant moral hypocrisy that one scarcely knows where to begin a denunciation, except perhaps at the moment George W. Bush ordered the invasion to begin," he writes in an op-ed published in the CALGARY HERALD. "All the rest [Haditha, Abu Ghraib, massive civilian casualties, etc.] followed naturally and might well have been foreseen -- indeed, it was foreseen, by me and by many others."
"Win One for the Gipper (Ayatollah Khameini)," by Ivan Eland (6/19/06)
"Ganen por el Gipper (Ayatollah Khameini)"
"Bad Apples Keep Bobbing Up," by Robert Higgs (6/9/06)
"Las malas manzanas siguen apareciendo"
THE EMPIRE HAS NO CLOTHES: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed, by Ivan Eland
RESURGENCE OF THE WARFARE STATE: The Crisis Since 9/11, by Robert Higgs
Center on Peace & Liberty (Ivan Eland, director)
OK, some possibly offensive language here, but I know I feel just as strongly. Colorful explitives are sometimes needed, after all. K
Tom Gilroy: Bush's Trojan Christ
Thu May 4, 4:21 PM ET
While virtually every other country in the Western world recognizes May 1st to be 'the International Day of The Worker,' we here in America studiously ignore it as anything other than just another day. That's training for ya.
Sure, the occasional rabid pundit like confessed drug addict Rush Limbaugh or classified info leaker Robert Novak might reach deep into their propaganda bag of tricks to remind us that May Day was officially ordained 'Law Day' by that friend of the working man, President Ronald Reagan, but in general the media does it's best to placate its owners and not give the uppity working man his due.
You remember Ronald Reagan, who's first official act as president (if you don't count negotiating with the Iranian government to keep their American hostages until after he defeated Carter), was breaking the strike of air traffic controllers, the first salvo in an assault on worker's rights that follows a direct line through NAFTA to our current abominations of pension theft and the elimination of minimum wage in New Orleans? A real man of the people.
It was under Reagan that the whole religious 'Great Awakening' began, which wasn't so much an embracing of religion as it was a repudiation of the social advances of the 60's, with Donald Wildmon and James Dobson peddling their pre-Focus on Family 'Promise Keepers,' (where men rule the household), Phyllis Schafly screaming equal rights for women undermines 'family values,' and Charles Schaar Murray declaring--with a straight face--blacks do worse in America simply because they're stupid. It was an awakening, all right.
Suddenly, the 'ostracized' religious right were 'rejoining' the national debate under the 'revolution' of faith---spearheaded by a president who rarely set foot in a church during his reign, lied regularly and outrageously to the public, and illegally funded nun-killing death-squads in Central America.
Or so the story goes, if you listen to Karl Rove, Robert Novak, Peggy Noonan and the other shit-spinners who learned their chops at the feet of Reagan/Bush PR wunderkind Lee Atwater, a vicious mudslinging thug who died young of a brain tumor and renounced his scurrilous tactics on his deathbed---tactics that have made Karl Rove a household name.
What the Reagan years really ushered in was the start of 'The Great Hypocrisy,' the GOP's twisting of religion to create a class of disgruntled zealots so blinded by hate they'd rush to vote into office the very thieves, liars and torturers who would not only screw them at every turn, but would decades later deliver George W. Bush to our doorstep with his Faith Based Everything.
And 'the national debate'---where is it? There is no debate, just ideologues screaming at each other to see whose one-dimensional faith-based sound byte can 'win'--nonsense like 'God Hates Fags' and Rick Santorum's equating homosexuality with bestiality.
It used to be that Christians were known to all by their good deeds, but after almost four decades of the GOP's cleaving the populace into warring sects to be manipulated at the polls, 'being Christian' is no longer defined by doing good deeds, it's defined by an arrogant mission to tell others how they must live---who they can marry, who they can adopt, what they can say in public, what they must teach in schools---all the way down to what kind of medicine they should have access to.
It was easy to look away from inconvenient historical facts of Christianity like the Inquisition, the Crusades, or the pedophilia of the priesthood when you could still see true people of faith marching for civil rights, working in soup kitchens, or bearing witness in Nicaragua as the Reagan-funded militias gunned down families of peasants.
But 'The Great Awakening' now brings us faith-based leaders promoting torture and war, who lie to us on a daily basis, and violate our constitutionally guaranteed rights. The 'national debate' about values is reduced to quippy bumper stickers like 'It's Okay To Pray' or 'One Man + One Woman = Marriage.' Our national conversation on ethics, morality, and faith has become a kind of WWF 'Religious Smackdown.'
The Great Awakening has also brought us, as reported in the Boston Globe ( , a president who claims the authority to disobey over 750 of our laws. Maybe it's time to ask ourselves what exactly has really been awakened.
Is it a coincidence that our most pro-faith president is also our biggest law-breaking president, presiding over our most scandalized administration in history? You tell me.
Is it coincidence that our pro-faith vice president has a gay daughter he'd prevent from adopting a child or marrying her lover, a great Christian whose wife converts from writing lesbian romance novels to ethics primers for kids in the blink of a presidential campaign, a soldier of Christ who tells a senator on the Senate floor to go fuck himself? You tell me.
We have two million people incarcerated in federal prisons. If we're to believe the polls the Pat Robertsons and Bill O'Reillys constantly throw at us that 89% of our country are practicing Christians, that means our federal prisons are stuffed to the breaking point with about 1.8 million Bible-thumpers. Hmmm.
How come when we talk about religion in the great national debate, it's never fact s like these we discuss, instead of arguing over posting the Ten Commandments in City Hall?
What about Lynddie England, described as rarely leaving her barracks in Iraq except to go to church--and of course torture naked Iraqis by forcing them to simulate anal sex for snapshots taken by the father of her illegitimate child. If that 89% is correct, wouldn't that mean that the majority of Lynddie's co-torturers were, you know, Christians? When are we having that faith-based discussion?
And poor Clay Aiken, touting his Christianity to the blind, er, I mean, fans of American Idol, rumored to be caught in a gay relationship and seeking the love that dare not speak it's name on the Web, all the while recording an album of ---you guessed it---Christian songs. It's been reported some fans are so mad they want to sue RCA for false advertising. Why aren't we hearing any talk about the gullibility of a Christian audience in our national debate? Why is this kind of intelligent discussion avoided in favor of finger pointing and sneering? If Aiken were gay, his claim of devout Christianity gave him the power to fool--or at least encourage denial in--millions. Shouldn't we look into that power?
And what about the Duke lacrosse team? The entire debate is whether or not a rape occurred, not what were a room full of Christian boys from 'good homes' (two of them educated by Jesuits) doing ordering strippers to entertain them while threatening sodomy with a broomstick and taunting black women with racist jibes about their cotton-picking slave grandparents? Why don't we discuss Christianity in that context?
And of course there's Tom Delay, the great born-again purveyor of moral rectitude, the man with his hand in so many tills even Texas republicans had to cut him loose. The President salutes him as a great patriot who 'served his country well' and the Rove-minions repeat ad nauseum, 'the Dems don't have their poster-boy for corruption to kick around anymore.' What does that mean, exactly? Did he do it, or not? If he's innocent, then how could he possibly be a poster-boy for corruption? And if he's guilty, why is the president saluting his patriotism? And if he's a thief and a liar, what are we to think of his relentless touting of Christian values? Doesn't that mean he's a hypocrite, and that Christian values, in a political sense, are meaningless?
What all this tells us is claiming to be Christian, on it's own, signifies nothing. In fact, given the religious makeup of our populace, pedophiles, thieves, liars, hypocrites and torturers in America are more likely to be Christians than Jews, Buddhists, Muslims--or atheists. It's simple math.
This is why the Founding Fathers--God-fearing men all--were smart enough to keep religion out of government. They knew the power appealing to a people's spirituality could have, that faith could be invoked while hiding great violations of it's very tenets, encouraging otherwise docile people to do and say despicable things, to hate each other, to threaten the very fabric of a progressive, democratic, rational society.
Ironically, what Bush, Rove and the rest of the Fourth Reich have shown us is that putting more religion into government doesn't make it more moral; what it does is allow every cut-rate thief, liar and hypocrite to hide behind the cloak of morality while committing immoral acts around the globe and at home that would shame any real person of faith.
It's not a coincidence that the most 'faith-based' government we've had in over a century is also the most corrupt, secretive, murderous, lying, and law breaking in history. In the name of 'reawakening' Christianity in government, Bush, et al, have shown us why it should be locked out. As soon as a politician starts quoting the Bible and going on about his faith, we should run him out of town.
What the GOP has in fact done is mock and destroy Christianity, and that's a shame. Like Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, Christianity and God are some of our greatest creations. By appealing to an ignorant fringe of assholes who codify their hatred behind a misuse of spirituality, the GOP is an embarrassment to not only truly devout Christians, but to the rational world at large.
But they've done us an odd--if unintentional---service by showing us in practice exactly what the Founding Fathers feared and tried to prevent; that religion strikes so deep and renders people who want to be 'good' so gullible to manipulation, that any absurdity can be pushed through, including nonsense like dinosaurs walked the earth only two thousand years ago, praying can stop cancer, and somebody else's marriage can threaten your own.
So if you're against abortion, don't have one. If you're against gay marriage, don't marry one. And if you're against illegal immigrants, don't hire one. Clean your own damn house and pick your own damn broccoli, and when you're unmarried daughter breaks her pledge and gets pregnant, face your own moral dilemma and search your own spirituality for answers--just don't force me to apply those answers to my daughter. I'll handle her, and my grandchild, on my own.
But if you want me to see the beauty and the power of your faith, lead by example, not by cramming it down my throat or voting for politicians who want to screw all of us so the rich can get richer. Christian values are feeding the hungry, helping the poor and aiding the sick---not cutting Medicare, veteran's benefits, environmental protections, school lunch programs or health care. Period.
Values are something you adhere to, not something you force someone else to adhere to; that's called fascism.
And don't stand there and tell me a smiling president who reserves the right to violate a Congressional ban on torture is a man of faith.
That's called stupidity.
I may have sent this out before but I think it bears repeating, especially given the prior article! K
Subject: Christians - By Maya Angelou
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong .
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.
When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Share this with somebody who already has this understanding, as reinforcement. But more importantly, share this with those who do not have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Christian, so that the myth that Christians think they are "perfect" or "better than others"can be dispelled.
From: "Brian Bond, Democratic Party"
Subject: If you were setting the agenda...
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 12:54:53 -0500
Imagine for a moment that you're Republican Bill Frist, the Senate's Majority Leader, and you have the power and awesome responsibility to control what issues the Senate considers and when it considers them. Knowing everything you do about the crises facing our nation and the things that most concern Americans, would your top priority be to:
A) Force the administration to change its failed strategy in Iraq
B) Help consumers walloped by $3.00 a gallon gas and take steps to reduce our oil addiction
C) Pass the first minimum wage increase in 10 years and develop plans to create good jobs in America
D) Expand educational opportunities for college by providing relief from skyrocketing college tuition
E) Ensure access to health care for every American
F) Amend the Constitution to deprive gay people of equal rights under the law
As someone who cares deeply about this nation, its problems and its future, you probably said A, B, C, D, or E. But Republican Majority Leader Frist chose F.
Why? Because it's an election year, and Republicans are in deep trouble. So they've decided that instead of addressing the things Americans really care about, they're trying to change the subject and using wedge issues in hopes of distracting from their failures and dividing Americans to win elections.
Majority Leader Bill Frist plans to bring up the "Federal Marriage Amendment" as the first order of business when Senators return on Monday. And to drive the message home, President Bush will host a Rose Garden event that same day, to reiterate his support for this divisive, unnecessary and diversionary attack on LGBT Americans and on our Constitution--even though his own Vice President opposes the amendment and his own wife says it's wrong to use this issue as a campaign tool.
This is a sad moment in American history. Over two hundred years ago, our nation's founders and framers thought guaranteeing rights and protections was so important that the first ten Constitutional amendments they proposed, which the states soon ratified, were an explicit Bill of Rights for individuals and for states.
Now, in an unprecedented move, Bill Frist and George Bush hope to convert this bedrock document that confers liberties and freedom into one that erases them. They want to deny equal rights under the law because of individuals' sexual orientation--and they want to deny to states avenues that would allow them to recognize and extend equal rights and protections to the LGBT community and their families.
Democrats are committed to equal rights for every American; we oppose discrimination in all their forms. We think it's wrong for the federal government to bar states from extending rights and protections to all their residents. We believe no church, synagogue or mosque should be told by the government whom they may or may not marry. And when it comes to government services and benefits, every citizen and taxpayer should receive equal treatment.
You can show Bill Frist just how wrong he is by signing this petition to stop this divisive amendment and tell him to put the Senate to work on the things that really matter to America and to Americans. Sign on here, and your message will be delivered the day the Senate begins debating the issue:
Thank you,
Brian Bond
Executive Director, GLLC
Democratic National Committee
From: "Raven Brooks,"
Subject: BuyBlue Actions based on 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006
Viewing Al Gore's new movie titled 'An Inconvenient Truth' [] is quite possibly the most important thing you can do this year aside from voting. If you haven't heard about this excellent movie I'd highly encourage you to check out the web site at and watch the trailer for the movie.
You'll find a great starting point for taking action on their web site at However, I wanted to focus on some things this 'Action' page doesn't really cover, things that BuyBlue supporters are already very in tune with.
All of you already know about the incredible power that you can wield with your wallet and there are many ways that you can put that power to work in support of this important cause. Here are 5 powerful ways to get started.
1. View the movie and take friends. One of the more important things you can do is go see the movie and take as many people as you can with you. Send emails to your network of friends; make a date with your friends to go see it. Perhaps you have a conservative friend or two, drag them out to the theater and offer to pay for their ticket if you have to. You can find a list of theaters screening the movie here: Over the month of June this movie will open in most major cities, and I expect that more theaters will screen the film as popularity grows. With only 77 theaters the movie is in the top 10 - most blockbuster flicks are shown on 3,000+ screens.
2. Get the movie screened in your city. Consult the list of theaters and ask your local theater if they plan to screen the movie. If not ask them why not and work to bring it to your city.
3. Patronize companies taking action to solve the problem. Some companies are actively taking steps to help solve this problem by doing things such as creating energy efficient appliances, working on alternative energy solutions or developing high fuel efficiency cars. Vote with your wallets and show your support for these efforts. Shift money away from companies like Exxon that continue to claim there isn't a problem despite overwhelming scientific evidence. Some consider it 'greenwashing' but every other major oil company has changed their public posture on the issue while Exxon's CEO continues to say things [] like "We're going to be an active participant in this debate. We're just going to have to disagree."
4. Talk to your power company about Green Power. Your electric company may have a program that offers Green Power - use it! The US Department of Energy has a web site where you can look up companies in your state []. If your power company doesn't offer Green Power ask them why not, and encourage others in your community to do the same.
5. Take on the Media. One of the facts that Gore presents in this movie is the fact that scientists, in fact, do not disagree on the subject of global warming. A survey of scientific publications was conducted and out of something like 938 publications reviewed NONE of them disagreed. However, a survey of the media shows that 53% of articles written state there is disagreement or otherwise cast doubt on the subject. Casting doubt on an issue is a tried and true tactic, heavily used by the Tobacco industry to convince that tobacco really wasn’t that bad for you. Make it a habit to check for articles on Global Warming highlighted by Media Matters []. Read these articles, and write to the publications responsible for them correcting their facts. You'll want to address letters, faxes and emails to the reporters that covered the story, editors of the publication and the publication's ombudsman if they have one. Most of the time you'll find email addresses within the article or on the main web site of the publication. Write your own letters to editors of your local papers and get your thoughts on the subject published. We must hold the media accountable if they refuse to do it themselves. We are all consumers of media and where choices are available you can vote with your wallet by dropping subscriptions and tuning them out.
Raven Brooks
President and Chair,
Buy Blue relies on volunteers and contributions. Please consider making a secure contribution, funding our effort!
Contribute here:
Subject: John Francis
This is an article about a very interesting and dedicated man who gave up driving in all motorized vehicles for 22 year because he didn't want to be part of the problem!!! They are making his life into a movie (thank you Will Smith and Morgan Freeman!) His book is an incredible journey. Talk about living what you believe.
It never ceases to amaze me how greedy the other side can be. What else can be there motivation vs. the environment? Haven't they ever seen Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home???? Come on people. K
From: "Frances Beinecke, NRDC Action Fund"
Subject: Help defend the Endangered Species Act!
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006
Dear NRDC BioGems Defender,
Over the past few months, NRDC BioGems Defenders like you have played a pivotal role in defending the Endangered Species Act -- one of America's most important and effective environmental laws. I am writing to update you on this ongoing fight and let you know we are still depending on your efforts.
Ninety-eight percent of the species protected under the Endangered Species Act still exist today, and many are stable or improving. Without this landmark law, wildlife such as the bald eagle, American alligator, California condor, Florida panther and many other animals that are vital parts of America's natural heritage could have disappeared from the planet years ago.
Nonetheless, in September 2005, the House of Representatives narrowly passed a bill that would have severely undermined the Endangered Species Act. The bill (H.R. 3824), sponsored by Representative Pombo of California and backed by large-scale developers and other powerful industry players, would have eliminated protections of critical habitat for all endangered and threatened species, exempted the pesticide industry from wildlife safety regulations and authorized millions of dollars in payouts to wealthy developers, oil and gas companies and other special interests in return for not killing or injuring endangered and threatened species.
Opponents of strong wildlife protection then turned their attention to the Senate, and tried to push though a similar bill. NRDC Action Fund Supporters responded by sending more than 120,000 letters to the Senate, and delivered the unmistakable message that Americans support a strong Endangered Species Act.
Thanks to these efforts, to date the Senate has not taken up an endangered species bill. This is a major victory over powerful industry groups, who were using their money and influence in an all-out effort to undermine the Endangered Species Act.
But we still need to keep up the pressure. So, if you haven't contacted your senators yet, go to and let them know that you support this landmark law.
If you have contacted your senators, please forward this message to your friends. Working together, we can help ensure that our nation continues to protect endangered species and their irreplaceable wild habitats.
Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund
The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
More on the environmental theme!! K
Have you seen Al Gore's new movie, "An Inconvenient Truth"?
The film shows incredible images of the devastation that global warming is causing around the world. It's hard to believe there are still leaders who refuse to accept the urgent need to deal with global warming. Well, let me introduce you to Republican Congressman Richard Pombo. Pombo has consistently voted against plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and he's taken hundreds of thousands in contributions from oil and gas companies. According to Pombo, "There is no evidence of man-made global warming."1
Pombo is being challenged by DFA member Jerry McNerney. Jerry just won DFA's Grassroots All-Star competition and now he needs your help to meet a crucial reporting deadline today. You can send a strong signal to Pombo and other head-in-the-sand Republicans by supporting Jerry today:
Handpicked by Tom DeLay to Chair the House Resources Committee, Pombo has been named one of the 13 "Most Corrupt" members of Congress2 and the League of Conservation Voters placed him on their "Dirty Dozen."3 Pombo has voted repeatedly to undermine environment safeguards. Last year, the New York Times called his bill to give away public lands in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and mining industries a "sleazy piece of work."4
Unlike Pombo, Jerry McNerney will fight global warming and work for ordinary Americans. As a Dean Dozen candidate in 2004, Jerry McNerney won more votes than any Democrat in his district since 1992. This year, Jerry has earned support from DFA members across California and around the country. He's already won a tough primary against the establishment's candidate. And early poll numbers show McNerney with a narrow 46-42 lead over Pombo.5 Jerry McNerney has a great chance to take out Pombo. But he needs your help to meet a critical finance deadline today. Here's what your contributions will mean:
$25 brings Jerry's message to 50 voters via mail.
$50 buys 25 lawn signs for grassroots supporters.
$100 gets Jerry valuable time on a local radio station.
$250 helps Jerry compete with Pombo on a local TV station.
If you agree with me that global warming is one of the most important issues of our time, please help Jerry McNerney defeat Pombo today:
When he wins in November, Jerry McNerney will work closely with other progressives to pass new initiatives to fight global warming and protect our environment. But Jerry can only really tackle global warming if we elect a Democratic Congress in November. Let me tell you about just a few of the candidates DFA is supporting:
In Texas, John Courage is running even with a Republican incumbent who has opposed virtually every single global warming bill in Congress and earned a 0% rating from the League of Conservation Voters.6
DFA candidate Mary Jo Kilroy in Ohio is challenging the Republican House Whip who supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Last year, Kilroy's opponent earned a dismal 6% rating from LCV.7
DFA candidate Bernie Sanders has led the fight for energy reform and conservation in the House. After he wins in November, he will lead the fight against global warming in the Senate.
You can help Bernie Sanders, John Courage, Mary Jo Kilroy, and the rest of our DFA candidates at:
If we can take out Pombo and other head-in-the-sand Republicans, it will send the message loud and clear that we will no longer tolerate business as usual on global warming... or anything else!
Thanks for everything you do.
Jim Dean
P.S. You can meet Jerry McNerney at DemocracyFest 2006 in San Diego July 14-16. Planners have lined up a star-studded cast, including DNC Chair Howard Dean, Al Franken, and dozens of progressive leaders. You can find out more about DemocracyFest and sign-up online at:
1Earth Day 2002 press release
2Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics
3League of Conservation Voters
4New York Times, October 30, 2005
5Poll conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research on May 1-3
6LCV Scorecard
7LCV Scorecard
I just sent a message to Al Gore, who's been attacked in his efforts to raise the issue of global warming. So far, right-wing talkers have compared him to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, and one likened Gore's pursuit of solutions to global warming to Adolf Hitler's pursuit of genocide.
Tell him thank you and that he should keep fighting here:
I want you to particularly view the letter from Utah. K
From: "Howard Dean"
Subject: Utah? Yes, Utah.
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006
We're in the middle of our campaign to explain the 50-state strategy and answer questions about its purpose. So far you've heard from me, but this week you're going to hear straight from the people on the ground about the work we're doing to build a truly national party.
We are at a crucial moment in our party's history, and it's up to us to show that the 50-state strategy has the financial backing of ordinary Democrats across the country. We're doing that in a new way, too: we're counting the number of people donating on our web site, and we'll reveal the amount at the end. Less than halfway through this drive we hit the goal of 5,000 people.
As a result, we've set a new one and we're going to keep going, because this is about getting the word out: the 50-state strategy is right for our party, and the people who support it will stand up and be counted. Make your donation to support the 50-state strategy now:
Today I'm passing along a note from the state party chair in Utah -- not a place many would expect the national party to be focusing its resources. But as you will see our work is already paying off.
Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
Dear Fellow Democrat,
I want to let you know what the 50-state strategy has meant in my state.
When we leave the Republicans unopposed in places like Utah, it frees them up to concentrate on making inroads in marginal districts. Members of Congress in tough places deserve support, too. Representative Jim Matheson here in Utah, Representative Stephanie Herseth in South Dakota and even a potential pick-up like Congressional candidate Gary Trauner in Wyoming need a healthy, functioning Democratic Party in their states in order to survive. The 50-state strategy is making that happen.
"Win for today" is not a long-term strategy by itself, and it has left millions of Americans and vast areas of the country without a healthy political dialogue. When we don't show up for tough fights, they only get tougher the next time around.
We're changing that now. The April 29th canvass put a clear Democratic message and a call to volunteer on the doorsteps of 15,000 registered Democrats here.
That has never happened before.
A whole generation of Utahns have never seen a representative from the Democratic Party except on TV. Democrats had become outsiders who do things to us, not insiders who do things for us. The 50-state strategy has turned that around.
"Even in Utah" there are thoughtful Democrats elected to office like Congressman Matheson, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson, and Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon. The DNC's investment here will make sure that they retain their seats. I expect the 50-state strategy efforts will help Mayor Corroon get a majority of Democrats to support his policies on the Salt Lake County Council. That will show Utahns for the first time in a decade that we have the ability to govern effectively.
The national party has starved places like Utah for a long time. Consequently, Utahns were starving for new leadership. But we are already on our way. Not only is the 50-state strategy laying the groundwork for long-term change in Utah, we have already seen the results.
Already, 2006 marks our best candidate recruitment in over 15 years. We have recruited candidates for every single State Senate race, and we have challengers running in ten State House races that went unopposed in 2004. The recruitment efforts, led by new staff deployed as part of the 50-state strategy, include not only life-long Democrats but also six Republicans who have switched parties.
The 50-state strategy is the future of our party here in Utah. With your support it can be the future of our party everywhere.
Thank you.
Wayne Holland, Jr.
Utah Democratic Party
Here are excerpts from an addendum article that appeared this week (in June) in USA Today:
Democrats rebuild on the prairie
By Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY
[...] When Howard Dean ran for chairman of the Democratic National Committee, he promised state parties he would spread money and professionals around the country in a long-term quest for viability in "red" Republican states. He's followed through with a 50-state plan to revive moribund state and local organizations.
Dean says Democrats have dug themselves "a deep hole" by focusing on one election at a time, usually in the "blue" states where Democrats are strong. "That's a cycle that has to be broken. We want a long-term business plan," he says. [...]
The state was a low priority for the DNC. Of the $731 million the party raised for the 2004 elections, Nebraska got $12,000. "The national Democrats were sucking money and volunteers" out of Nebraska, state party chairman Steve Achelpol says. Adds executive director Barry Rubin, "They called us an 'export state.'"
Times have changed. The DNC is now spending $120,000 a year to pay the salaries of three organizers and a spokesman here. Nationwide, the party has hired and trained about 190 people in 50 states in its $10-million-a-year program. The goal is to create voter lists and activist networks that don't vanish when campaigns are over or powerful Democrats retire [...]
Success stories cited by the DNC include West Virginia, where the party created a precinct program to bolster organizing and turnout and has recruited leaders for almost half the state's nearly 2,000 precincts; and South Dakota, where the state party fielded candidates for 94 of the 105 legislative seats -- 26 more than in 2002. [...]
Two years ago, 11 Democrats were on the November ballot for the state Legislature; this fall there will be 15. Four years ago, Democrats had a candidate in one of three races for Congress.
This year they have candidates for all three seats: cattle rancher Scott Kleeb, attorney Jim Esch and former lieutenant governor Maxine Moul. All three are "a cut or two above" the usual in quality, says state politics expert Robert Sittig, a retired University of Nebraska professor. [...]
Click the following link to read the rest:
Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee, This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Although MCLC is here in KC, I don't consider this a local issue. Stem Cell research is important worldwide, not just in KC. Check out "How You Can Help" in MCLC's website:
Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures
June 1, 2006
Coalition Update
If you’d like to make a financial contribution to support the campaign to pass the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, you can now donate easily online by visiting our website at – or by clicking this direct link to our online contribution form. Every contribution, no matter how small, will help us get more information out to voters about the importance of protecting lifesaving research and cures in our state. Online donations can be made using VISA, MasterCard or American Express. COALITION MEMBERSHIP PASSES THE 50,000 MARK
We are proud to announce that more than 50,000 individual Missouri citizens have signed up as members of the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures – and our membership keeps growing daily. As we’ve mentioned before, the strong support we’ve received from people like you has made us the largest and fastest growing coalition ever formed to support a ballot measure in Missouri. We’re also proud to let you know that our organization members now include more than 60 leading national and
in-state patient and medical groups. Among the newest organization members supporting the Stem Cell Initiative are:
The American Liver Foundation, Missouri Chapter
The Lupus Foundation of America, Missouri Chapter
The St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society
The National Association of Spine Specialists
To see an updated list of notable supporters, please visit the "Who We Are" section of our website. COALITION SPEAKERS AVAILABLE FOR PRESENTATIONS
Our Speakers Bureau is available to make presentations on the Stem Cell Initiative to groups across the state. We already have made more than 160 presentations to 6,500 Missourians and dozens more are on the schedule. The speakers continue to receive accolades from organizations that have hosted the 15-minute presentations, which are followed by question-and-answer sessions. If you know of a group that would like to hear the facts on the Stem Cell Initiative, please contact us at
800-829-4133 or send an email to
Thank you for your continuing support. Between now and November there are many ways you can get involved in our campaign – such as forwarding this email to your friends to help us spread the word about the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. For more information, please visit the "How You Can Help" section of our website.
We’ll send you another Coalition Update in a few weeks. In the meantime, you can always see the latest news and information about the Coalition and the Stem Cell Initiative on our website at
This voter information authorized and paid for by the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures, Sandra Aust, Treasurer.
Attention all java junkies~ We have just received some terrific news! Planned Parenthood of KS & Mid MO has been chosen as one of ten charities being highlighted this quarter by The Ten-Cup Coffee Shop. The Ten Cup's motto is: Changing the world one cup at a time by donating 10% of our profits to 10 charities in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan area.
It is a neat place - and a neat idea! So please spread the word that there is a great neighborhood coffee shop that is supportive of PPKM. The more business they get - the higher the donation will be that PPKM receives. It is perfect for coffee, breakfast, lunch, dessert - meetings, get-togethers. If you are looking for a place to plan a small offsite meeting - consider doing it at The Ten Cup. They have meeting tables and comfortable couches and chairs.
Not only will we receive a donation from them - it is also a fantastic (and free) PR and outreach opportunity. The Ten Cup will place PPKM's name and mission in their menu for the next 3 months and feature our brochures and information throughout their establishment.
Info about The Ten Cup:
651 E. 59th Street (59th & Holmes - in the Morningside Shops), Kansas City, MO (866) 745-6362
Hours: M-F 7am–4pm; Saturday 8am–4pm; Sunday 9am–3pm (Former home of Sarah's)
The Ten Cup, in the heart of Brookside, is an upscale version of today’s popular coffee house. Morning menu items include a fruit-and-yogurt parfait and fresh scones. Gourmet lunch items change seasonally, but always feature a delicious soup and creative salads, in addition to fabulous sandwiches. Leave room for our wildly popular handcrafted cupcakes, cookies or other treats from our in-house bakery.
Thanks - don't forget to head to the Ten Cup for your next cup o' joe.
Happy holiday weekend,
April Adicks
Director of Development
Planned Parenthood of Kansas & Mid-Missouri
the planned parenthood promise
creating hope for humanity:
the freedom to dream, to make choices
and to live in peace with our planet.
Hey Blue Hearts,
I received a call from Nancy Boyda about a fundraiser she's having on July 9th for her race for congress in Topeka. She'd really like some representation from the KC area. It would be a great event to support if any of you are available
The event will be held at Dennis and Lyn (Shaw) Langley's home/estate in Shawnee on Sunday, July 9. There is a reception for sponsors at 3:00 and an open house at 4:00-5:30. Sponsors are $4000, $2000 and $1000. Tickets are $100 per person.
They are really hoping for sponsors!!! You can get more details by contacting them directly.
Nancy Boyda for Congress
510 SW 10th St.
Topeka, KS 66612
Please send contributions to:
Nancy Boyda for Congress
PO Box 1474
Topeka, KS 66601
Your Democratic Party News June 2006
Hope your summer is going well. Here is your latest news. As always, please get back to me with any suggestions about the newsletter and with any additions, events, articles you would like to see here in this newsletter going out to thousands of Democrats. Phil LeVota, Chairman; Jackson County Democratic Committee
in this issue
Featured Article: Join Claire McCaskill in Jackson County
Poll: Democrats Providing Leadership on Important Issues
Missouri House Democrats Have Plan For The Future
Democratic Calendar
There's the News... Here's the Rant:
Poll: Democrats Providing Leadership on Important Issues
Republicans are Out of Touch with Missourians
A poll released yesterday by the St. Louis Post- Dispatch and KMOV-TV shows Democratic candidates consistently beating Republicans because Democrats are in touch with Missouri voters when it comes to issues like increasing the minimum wage, supporting stem cell research, restoring Medicaid coverage, and opposing efforts to prevent seniors and the disabled from voting by requiring a voter ID.
It’s no wonder Democrats have such a sizeable lead in both the Senate and governor’s race,” said Jack Cardetti, Missouri Democratic Party spokesman. “In their zest to cozy up to special interests, Missouri Republicans are increasingly out of touch with Missourians on important issues from minimum wage to stem cell to health care coverage.”
"On each of these important issues, Missouri Republicans and specifically Senator Jim Talent have a taken a position that the vast majority of Missouri voters disagree with.
Missouri House Democrats Have Plan For The Future
Go to ttp:// for the newsletter and other news!
Gov. Matt Blunt today signed Senate Bill 1014, a law that may deprive as many as 200,000 Missourians of their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote. Under this new law, voters must show an approved federal or Missouri photo identification card to be eligible to cast a ballot.
While the Missouri Democratic Party continues to believe that this is an unconstitutional statute designed to prohibit elderly, poor and disabled voters from having a voice in our government, the Republicans have made SB 1014 the law in our state — for the time being, at least. An aggressive challenge to this law will be made, but we must work now to ensure that every eligible Missouri voter has the required photo ID in November. To do that, we need your help.
Make Sure You Have the Required Photo ID. Find Out How to Get One if You Don’t. Make Sure Your Family and Friends Have the Right ID. Don't wait!
Democratic Calendar:
Happy 4th of July! Have a safe holiday!
Saturday, July 8, 2006: Clay County Picnic Celebration for Democrats: The Clay County Democratic Central Committee cordially intes you and your family to the 2006 Picnic Celebration for Democrats at the Festival Pavillion at Macken Park in North Kansas City from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The event will feature Congressman Emanuel Cleaver. great food an fun. $25.00 per adult and $5.00 per child. Questions call Janet: 816-460-5559.
Saturday, July 15, 2006: KC Pride Auction Fundraising Event from 6 to 9 p.m., at the home of Gene Pulliman and Dean Sanderson, 1006 West 67th Street (just east of Ward Parkway). Tickets for the event are $25 per person in advance or $35 at the door. If you can assist with a donation or by volunteering, please contact KC PRIDE President John "Coach" Comstock by phone at (816) 523-3135 or by e-mail at
July 19, 2006: Reception & Auction for the Missouri House Democratic Campaign Committee at the Uptown Theater, 3700 Broadway, Kansas City from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. For information and to RSVP please call Amanda Good, HDCC Finance Director, 573-636-5241 ext. 121 or email
August 2, 2006: Greater Kansas City Democracy For America's AUGUST MEETUP with special guest Congressman Emanuel Cleaver to speak at the August Meetup on August 2, 2006 at 7:00pm. For more meeting details:
August 8, 2006 Primary Election Day: HELP GET THE VOTE OUT!!
There's the News... Here's the Rant:
Today, Wednesday, June 28th - President George Bush will be in Missouri to raise money for Jim Talent ... again. The President and Republicans across the nation are scared to death of this Claire McCaskill woman. They are scared to death that Senator Claire McCaskill will bring common sense and midwestern sensibility to Washington D.C and also gain control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrats.
Today's activities are an excellent comparison of the values of these two campaigns. In this corner, George Bush and Jim Talent will be in Clayton, Missouri charging rich people $2,000 a plate at the Ritz Carlton. In the other corner, on the other side of town, veterans and community leaders who support Claire McCaskill will be raising money for Missouri's brave soldiers and their families.
Calire will spend her time raising much needed and deserved funds for the Missouri Military Relief Fund, an organization that assists Missouri National Guardsmen and Women and their families. Jim Talent will be spending his time in a money grabbing, fundraiser in a luxury hotel in a St. Louis suburb.
But you can help the "good guys" and join them if you want at Wild Acres Park, 10400 Midland Boulevard, Overland, MO 63114. Go to www.claireonline for more info. Now tell me again, which party is the party of values? Keep up the good work!
Kansas City, here we come....
The Missouri Project Victory (the Democratic Coordinated Campaign) has a new office in Raytown located at 6614 Blue Ridge Blvd (next to the Santa Fe Inn).
It's been a great few weeks for Project Victory 06 since we began our operations in Jackson County. This past week over 1,000 doors were knocked on and over 7,000 phone calls made in our early efforts to get out our Democratic message.
For more information contact: Zach Wineburg, KC Regional Field Director, Missouri Project Victory 2006, 6614 A Blue Ridge Blvd., Raytown, MO 64133, O 816- 356-1659, F 816-358-7134,
Join our mailing list!
phone: 816-821-8531
Jackson County Democratic Committee | P.O. Box 3314 | Indep. | MO | 64055
Join Women for Sanders for an Ice Cream Social on July 8th 1-3 PM at Lake Jacomo, Shelter #9, in Fleming Park. Meet Mike and learn about his plans for Jackson County. He's running to replace Kathryn Shields for Jackson County Executive. Bring you lawn chairs and the kids and make a day out of it. Sounds like great fun!!!
No Charge - RSVP to
This is from Blue Heart, Laura Norris. Please contribute today if you can. K
I know a few of you were going to attend the (totally fun!) BBQ on Sunday…so I am sending you this link in hopes that you might still contribute to Jolie’s campaign. I strongly believe she is the best choice in this primary election…she is the only (real) pro-choice democratic candidate in the race and this seat is particularly important to maintain as progressive. I also love that her campaign is so grassroots—it would be nice to see values and experience placed above money in an election! That being said – she does need financial help! Please take a minute to read the briefing below—it will give you a good sense of her campaign!
My best –
Dear Friend:
We only have 41 days until the August 8th Primary. You have helped create the most aggressive and visible campaign for Missouri’s 10th District Senate Seat. Your political support and generous financial contributions have already had a tremendous impact on the campaign. I write today because I need your help now more than ever.
To date we have exceeded our initial fundraising goals, knocked on thousands of doors and campaign volunteers are busy phoning voters to secure their support. I have been endorsed by the Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus, NARAL Pro-Choice Missouri, Four Freedoms Democratic Club, KC PRIDE Democratic Club, PROMO, Missouri ERA PAC, Missouri Women’s Leadership Coalition, The Victory Fund, Missouri State Representative Beth Low, former State Representative Vicki Walker, as well as rank and file Democrats throughout the district.
Last week the Kansas City Star recognized our efforts by reporting that we are running the most aggressive campaign for this seat. It is crucial that we capitalize on our successes by stepping up our efforts to raise money and reach even more voters.
My opponents are also working hard – two of them have dumped huge sums of their own money into the race in an attempt to buy this seat. One of my opponents has already sent several district-wide mailings and his TV ads started to air this weekend. The people of the 10th District deserve to have a progressive leader who reflects all of our values. We simply cannot afford to have our positive, progressive message silenced by conservative Republican-like candidates.
I need your continued political support and financial contributions to fight the conservative Democrats’ attempt to buy this seat. If you have already contributed to the campaign, I am asking you to make another contribution. If you are unable, or if you have already given the maximum contribution allowed, I am asking you to help me raise additional money from your friends and family.
Your additional support can make the difference and time is of the essence. The next campaign finance deadline is June 30th. Any contributions made by the deadline will be contained in that report and will help demonstrate the strong depth of support for my campaign.
Please use the enclosed envelope to contribute now. Or if you prefer to make an immediate contribution online please visit
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in my message. I will not let you down.
Jolie Justus
Social Justice. Economic Justice. Jolie Justus.
If you have questions or comments, send us feedback to
Paid for by Justus For Senate, Edwin Gladbach, Treasurer
Email powered by The Lazarus Group Email System.
(Volunteer opportunities, Blue Hearts)
Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures
June 28, 2006
Coalition Update
The National Children’s Leukemia Foundation recently joined with dozens of other leading patient advocacy organizations in endorsing the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. In a June 19 press release, Founder and President Steve Shor stated:
“Based on the National Children’s Leukemia Foundation’s research involvement worldwide, I believe there is no doubt that stem cell therapy will provide the cure. Only time will reveal the tremendous capacity and far-reaching abilities of this technology. However, we can say now that we are very close to a revolution that will enable the medical community to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people facing life-threatening illness.”
The entire press release can be read on the Coalition’s website at
In addition to the National Children’s Leukemia Foundation, we’re very pleased to welcome the following Missouri and national groups as new members of our growing Coalition.
Montford Point Marine Association, St. Louis Chapter
Concerned Clergy Coalition of Kansas City
Sickle Cell Disease Association of Kansas City
Kidney Cancer Association
To see an updated list of notable supporters, please visit the "Who We Are" section of our website.
Coalition members contribute greatly to our campaign by spreading the word about the Stem Cell Initiative to their family, friends and neighbors. Two updated publications now available on our website can help you share the basic facts on the Initiative. “Key Talking Points About the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative” is a one-page list of key facts about our Coalition and the Initiative. “Setting the Record Straight” provides information explaining why claims made by opponents of the Stem Cell Initiative are false or misleading. You can read and download both updated versions on the Coalition website at
Over the next several months, our volunteers will be staffing the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures booth at a number of community fairs and patient advocacy events. Volunteers will hand out literature, speak with people about our Coalition and the Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative, and invite them to join as Coalition members. A regularly updated list of events is posted in the “Events of Interest” section of our website at If you would like to volunteer a few hours to help staff the Coalition booth at a scheduled event, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Carina Miller, at 816-561-4700 or send an email to
For all you theater lovers, please check this out!!!!! K
The Guantanamo Bay Project, "Honor Bound to Defend Freedom" , most certainly a subject for our time, is being presented by a local professional group. Julie and I have seen productions by "In Play" and their playwright/director Jacqee Gafford; totally impressive! You will not want to miss this production. Friends please let your friends know about this production.
Take Care
Paul Rola
“The Guantanamo Reading Project”
Honor Bound to Defend Freedom
A staged reading depicting the stories, testimony, and writings of the inmates of Guantanamo Bay Prison, and the inmate’s families - Presented By Kansas City Theatre, InPlay Theatre Company, for the Benefit of DFA – Democracy for America – A Progressive Political Action Organization.
Jacqueline Gafford, Artistic Director of InPlay, Director of such critically acclaimed productions as “Crowns” at the Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Playwright and Director of “Nothing Comes To Sleepers” and “Harlem Knights”with InPlay Theatre, will direct the reading. The production will be produced by InPlay at the Westport Coffee House Theatre on Pennsylvania Street in the heart of Westport in Kansas City, MO on July 14, Friday, at 7:00 pm. Admission is $7.00, and tickets may be reserved in advance by calling (816) 765-5767, or they may be purchased at the door as available.
A discussion and reception will follow the production. The public is cordially invited to participate in the reception and discussion, and meet the cast and director.
InPlay Theatre Company, a Kansas City based theatre company, will present “The Guantanamo Reading Project”, a staged reading of the disturbing and controversial script, “Honor Bound To Defend Freedom” written by Victoria Brittain, and Gillian Slovo. The play is a dramatized presentation of spoken evidence and letters from British “GITMO” detainees, and their families. This is Guantanamo in the prisoners words. This is the story of the prisoners detained by the Bush administration without benefit of “due process”, required by our Constitution.
“Honor Bound To Defend Freedom”, was first commissioned by London’s Tricycle Theatre. It has been presented in several cities in the United Kingdom and also in the United States in cities such as New York City, Tucson, San Francisco, San Diego and Boston.
The reading is presented in cooperation with The Center For Constitutional Rights, to encourage community action and communication about U.S. detentions at Guantanamo Bay. This production is one of many across the US and abroad.
In Play’s production of the “Guantanamo Bay Reading Project” will benefit the Kansas City Chapter of Democracy for America, a political Action Group which supports progressive candidates and progressive issues. With events such as the “Guantanamo Bay Reading Project”, DFA challenges the public to take action to address a situation which runs counter to core American values and beliefs.
The Guantanamo Reading Project , “Honor Bound To Defend Freedom”, will be presented by InPlay Theatre for the benefit of the Kansas City Chapter of DFA – Democracy for America at Westport Coffee House, on Friday, July 14 at 7:00 pm. Admission is $7:00 per person. Tickets may be reserved by calling (816) 765-5767, or may be purchased at the door on the night of performance, as available.
For questions about the production call Fran Farah, or Jacqueline Gafford at (816) 765-5767.
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." --Hebrews13:2
This is from Courtney Fuchs who owns it's Only Natural on Gregory at Wornall. Hers is a store we definitely need to support. Check out her Eco-Tip of the month:
Those of you who know me, know that while I have strong views, like we all do, about many environmental issues affecting us today, I try to never impose my view on anyone, I just like to share information then let people make their own judgment. And I always invite intelligent discussion about any issue involving the environment.
So my eco-tip for this email is an invitation to hear for yourselves what real scientists -without an agenda- are saying about global warming. I'm talking about Al Gore's new movie "An Inconvenient Truth" that opened today in Kansas City.
I read a review where Roger Ebert said he never thought he would be recommending the movie, but he was extremely impressed with the information and felt it was an important movie to see. I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to because I believe in informing myself - propaganda won't impress me, but facts do. So I hope you'll see it and please feel free to tell me what you thought after considering what is presented!
Here is a little info about it:
The truth is coming soon to a theater near you: Al Gore’s New Global Warming Movie “An Inconvenient Truth”
Al Gore’s critically-acclaimed new film “An Inconvenient Truth” offers the best opportunity we’ve ever had to capture the immediate attention of all Americans and move this country forward quickly to stop global warming. While the problem is urgent, the solutions are clear, and with American ingenuity and leadership, we can avert disaster and restore the world’s confidence in our values. Let’s work together to make this movie a success, and turn the audience interest into action.
One easy way to get involved as virtual marchers is to buy a ticket and bring a friend to see this movie. Then help spread the word. The more people go see this movie on opening weekend, the more theaters will pick it up. Bring the power of the Virtual March to movie theaters across the country.
Marching forward,
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Try to stay cool in this heat --and remember the shop is air-conditioned! See you soon-
Courtney Fuchs, owner
It's Only Natural - Beautiful Clothes for a Beautiful Planet
407 West Gregory
Kansas City, MO 64114
Store Hours: Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4
A percentage of all sales goes to local charities
Here's another reason we have to be engaged in KC. Can you believe this is even an issue??? Kristin
After a year-long battle with the conservatives on the State Board of Education, we finally have a decision on sex ed. On a 6-4 vote, the Board passed the following statement today:
"Each board of education shall provide a complete abstinence until marriage program in human sexuality that is developmentally appropriate, including information about sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV/AIDS. It is imperative that medically accurate and research-based information be provided, including factual information regarding contraception and disease prevention."
The Bad:
Kathy Martin made the motion to change the word "comprehensive" to "complete," because the word comprehensive means "condoning pre-marital sexual activity and promiscuity." Arrgh! Her motion was seconded and passed. No one spoke in favor of abstinence-until-marriage at open forum yesterday, while seven people came from all over Kansas (Lindsborg, JoCo, Lawrence, Topeka) to speak in favor of comprehensive. We had such great speakers, including teens who choose to be abstinent because of their comprehensive sex education. Yet, the Board did their own thing.
The Good:
The statement goes into model health standards as a "suggestion" and not a mandate. We can still continue to teach comprehensive programs, as 75 percent of KS schools currently do. Some of our friends in the Department of Education would like to work with us to develop a letter to send to all districts informing them that they may disregard the Board's action without penalty. We have organized more than 6000 supporters statewide and gathered excellent press on this issue.
The Ugly:
You have GOT to see the last line of this story!! Kansas Board of Education approves new sex ed policy
Associated Press
TOPEKA, Kan. - The State Board of Education on Wednesday adopted a new policy on human sexuality courses that is likely to upset advocates of comprehensive courses.
The new policy says local school districts shall have complete programs of "abstinence until marriage," but those programs also will provide information about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases.
It's not clear how influential the new policy will be. It will become part of guidelines on health education, but districts don't face any penalties if they don't follow them. And supporters of the policy said they merely want to give districts guidance on the best approach to sex education.
The board's conservative majority saw the language as a compromise from mandating abstinence-only courses. But minority board members worried the goal is to emphasize abstinence rather than give students information about preventing unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
"The attitude built around it is to scare kids out of something," said board member Sue Gamble, a Shawnee Republican who was on the short end of the board's 6-4 vote. "Scaring doesn't teach them anything."
But some board members made it clear that "abstinence until marriage" was vital.
"I'm not sure I want to say, 'OK, you're out of high school, you're 17 or 18, and we're not going to say you're not going to have to abstain,'" said board member Connie Morris, a St. Francis Republican. "I want to stick with abstinence until marriage."
Board member Kathy Martin, a Clay Center Republican who initially pushed for an abstinence-only mandate, said the new policy will send local districts and students a consistent message. "It is the Christian message, after all, of what we want young people to do," she said.
Thank you so much for all your help and support on this issue. I'll post some press clips below.
Sarah London
Planned Parenthood of Kansas & Mid Missouri
In keeping with the KS Education theme....
”The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” Bertrand Russell
Dear Friends: Many of us have concerns about recent policies adopted by the Kansas Board of Education on science standards, sex education, and selection of an unqualified, incompetent Commission of Education. Each of these policies won a 6-4 vote, with the same six conservatives voting as a winning bloc every time.
We now have a chance to make a difference and put an end to the policy making that is affecting the quality of our children’s education, as well as the image of Kansas. John Bacon, an ardent conservative from Olathe, is up for re-election (3rd District) as is Connie Morris (District 5), Kenneth Willard (7) and Iris Van Meter (9)
Take Back Kansas Upcoming Events
Addressing Parties - Help with addressing GET OUT THE VOTE postcards that will be mailed across the state.
Wednesday, July 5 - Thursday, July 6
Tuesday, July 11 - Thursday, July, 13
Tuesday, July 18 - Thursday July, 20
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Get Out the Vote Calls
Friendly reminder calls to registered voters to VOTE in the primary.
Monday, July 24 - Friday, July 28
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Saturday, July 29 - Sunday July 30
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Monday, July 31 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Take Back Kansas Sponsors:
Kansas Families United for Public Education
MAINstream Coalition
Kansas Alliance for Education
True Blue Women
Please check your calendars and email Jen and Margaret or call 913-649-3326 to sign up for volunteer work. Bring a friend. All events will take place:
Mainstream Coaltion | 5350 West 94th Terrace | Suite 103 | Prairie Village | KS | 66207
Jen Wewers McKnight, M.Div. and Margaret Bowen
Two of your neighbors who are volunteering to help Take Back Kansas
AFSC Peace and Justice Alerts
Educate Yourself. Share your knowledge. Take Action! For information about the American Friends Service Committee,
contact us at 816 931-5256 or
No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots. - Barbara Ehrenreich
Iraq Updates / News Updates / Alerts
Action Reports from the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada
More than a thousand supporters in over 30 cities and towns took part in the National Day of Action to Stand Up with Lt. Watada on Tuesday, June 27. Outside of Fort Lewis, Washington - where Lt. Watada is being held pending trial - 200 rallied at the base gates (photos above). These are a few after action reports we have received so far:
Action Alert :
Supreme Court Challenges Presidential Power, Now Congress Should Act
The Supreme Court ruled today that the military tribunals established by President Bush to try detainees at Guantánamo Bay are illegal under U.S. law and under the Geneva Conventions. In a sharp rebuke to the sweeping seizures of power by this administration, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote, "Trial by military commission raises separation-of-powers concerns of the highest order.... Concentration of power [in the executive] puts personal liberty in peril of arbitrary action by officials, an incursion the Constitution's three-part system is designed to avoid."
The Court has spoken. Now Congress needs to act to help restore the checks and balances designed into the U.S. system of government by the framers of the Constitution. Nearly every week the press offers new findings about a sweeping system of government spying programs established and operated without review by any court and hidden from most members of Congress. Here’s what we know so far:
The National Security Agency (NSA) is collecting the records of every phone number dialed by nearly 200 million people in this country over the last five years; The Treasury Department has tapped into the vast database maintained by a Brussels-based clearinghouse for financial transactions to gather information on tens of thousands of people without a court warrant or judicial review; and The NSA is reportedly developing tools to spy on the 80 million people who use online networking communities such as MySpace and Facebook.
These surveillance programs are not focused narrowly on suspect individuals but are broad data-gathering operations that collect information on hundreds of millions of people without court review or congressional oversight. FCNL is particularly concerned that Sen. Arlen Specter has proposed dangerous new legislation (S. 2453) that would permit the National Security Agency to continue its spying program without court review for as long as the president deems it necessary. Rather than rubber-stamping the president’s program with new legislation, Congress should investigate these programs and insist that the president follow existing law which requires the NSA to seek warrants through the FISA court.
Take Action: Independence Day Recess
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper applauding the Supreme Court decision on military commissions and expressing concern about the president’s domestic spying program. In the letter, urge your senators to investigate this program and not to rubber stamp the president’s illegal domestic spying. Many newspapers will print stories about the Supreme Court decision and have been printing stories about government spying in the past few weeks. Your letter will have a greater chance of being published if you refer to these stories. See more tips on writing letters to the editor at
If you’ve got more time, write or call your senators local office today to request a meeting while your elected officials are back in your state to discuss president’s domestic spying program. You can find tips on how to schedule a meeting at can find contact information for your senators local offices on our website at Or attend a public meeting where one of your senators is going to speak and ask a question about the domestic spying program.
More -
“It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way: War, Poverty, Hunger
Choose Peace Now!”
Peace Vigil and Rally
Sunday, July 23,
4:00 to 5:30PM
47 & Main, KCMO
Following the rally there will be a workshop on dealing with angry people -- counter protesters, returning troops who may be suffering from post-traumatic stressand our own anger. Stay tuned for more information.
The event is sponsored by the KC Iraq Task Force and the American Friends Service Committee.
For more information call 816 931-5256 or go to
Help plan and implement anti-war and peace education, organizing and advocacy actions!
Come to the next meeting of the KC Iraq Task Force is on Monday, July 24th at 6:30pm at the AFSC office, 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO.
Help plan:
weekly visits to the offices of area senators and congresspersons;
Missouri and Kansas Eyes Wide Open State Exhibits;
August caravan to Camp Casey
“Let There Be Peace On Earth” Quilt Project
and other actions.
Upcoming Peace and Justice Activities
Click on link or scroll down for more information about the peace and justice activity
Peace and Justice Teach-ins will be on a break. For up to date information go to:
July 4th, Tuesday, 10:30AM – 2:30PM, Patriots Picnic, to celebrate the Fourth of July, the freedoms of our democracy and to support the continuing peacemaking work of the American Friends Service Committee. Enjoy hot dogs, burgers (veggie and otherwise), salads and other picnic fare. There will be games for the kids (young and old), and live music by: Kasey Rausch, Bluegrass / Folk / Country singer songwriter and Women of the Drum. Also participate in our July 4th Apple Pie Bake- Off. At the home of Sharon Lockhart, 8336 Sagamore, Leawood, KS For more information see below.
July 10, Monday, 6pm, Civil Liberties Campaign Planning Meeting at the AFSC office 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO. Call 816 931-5256 for information or directions.
July 23, Sunday, 4:00pm to 5:30pm, It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way: War, Poverty, Hunger Choose Peace Now!” Peace Vigil and Rally . Hear comment from Bro. Louis Rodemann. Demonstrate your stand for peace, J.C. Nichols Fountain, 47th & Main Streets, KCMO
July 24, Monday, at 6:30pm, KC Iraq Task Force Monthly Planning Meeting, at the AFSC office, 4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO
July 25, Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Jay Coghlan director of Nuke Watch of New Mexico will present KANSAS CITY PLANT AND RELIABLE REPLACEMENT WEAPONS City. Mr. Coghan will speak about the Kansas City plant which boasts of more than 90% of the U.S.' nuclear weapons components production and will encourage long-term local opposition to U.S. nuclear weapons programs At All Souls UU Church, 4501 Walnut. . The talk will be preceded by a potluck dinner. Please bring your favorite dish to share.
EVERY Sunday: Iraq Peace Vigil, 4pm, JC Nichols Fountain, 47th & Main, Streets, Kansas City, MO
EVERY TUESDAY: Join this Peace Demonstration Every Tuesday between 5PM - 6 PM in the median strip on the south corner of the intersection at 63rd & Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Mo. For more information email '63rd Street Patriots' - Bob Rowe ( or Carol (
Join us for a Patriots Picnic
You are invited to celebrate the Fourth of July, the freedoms of our democracy and to support the continuing peacemaking work of the American Friends Service Committee on Tuesday, July 4, 2006, from 10:30am to 2:30 p.m.
Let Freedom Ring! Keep the Faith! Join us and Celebrate the Fourth with like minded Patriots!
Enjoy hot dogs, burgers (veggie and otherwise), salads and other picnic fare. There will be games for the kids (young and old), and live music by
Kasey Rausch, Bluegrass / Folk / Country singer songwriter & Women of the Drum
Participate in our July 4th Apple Pie Bake- Off
For more information call 816 931-5256.
at the home of Sharon Lockhart
8336 Sagamore, Leawood, KS 66206
(Off 83rd St. two blocks west of Stateline Rd.)
We will provide a chance to learn more about the American Friends Service Committee and to contribute to our important work for peace and social justice. Suggested donation $25 / family.
R.S.V.P. to Deborah at 816 931-5256 or email . Please feel free to bring friends who may be interested in learning more about AFSC.
Another world is not only possible, she's on her way.
Maybe many of us won't be here to greet her, but on a quiet day,
if I listen very carefully,I can hear her breathing.
-Arundhati Roy
July 25, Tuesday, 6:00 pm, Jay Coghlan director of Nuke Watch of New Mexico will present “KANSAS CITY PLANT AND RELIABLE REPLACEMENT WEAPONS City. Mr. Coghan will speak about the Kansas City plant which boasts of more than 90% of the U.S.' nuclear weapons components production and will encourage long-term local opposition to U.S. nuclear weapons programs at All Souls UU Church, 4501 Walnut. The talk will be preceded by a potluck dinner. Please bring your favorite dish to share.
Co-sponsors: All Souls Social Justice Committee, American Friends Service Committee, Ward Parkway Patriots, Iraq Task Force.
Dear Defenders of our Civil Rights and Liberties,
Join us at our next
Civil Liberties Campaign Planning Meeting
Join us on Monday, July 10, 6pm
At the AFSC office
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO
Call 816 931-5256 for information or directions.
Help plan activities to
* educate the community of the importance of our civil liberties, - we are beginning to plan short civil liberties vignettes to be aired on radio and cable TV
* oppose invasions of our privacy, - identify what information about we local customers has been given to the government by local telephone companies
* developing a “Civil Liberties Public Ed. Quiz”
* challenge domestic spying
* and more!
Contact me for more information.
Ira Harritt
816 931-5256
The information and events described in AFSC Peace and Justice Alerts are intended to educate and assist members of our community in becoming active in working for a more just and peaceful world. Inclusion of a listing does not necessarily imply that AFSC KC agrees with all points of view that will be represented at the event.
The American Friends Service Committee is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every person and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice
We need your support to keep our life affirming peacemaking work alive. Contribute. Volunteer. Spread the word!
Contact us and mail your tax deductible contribution to:
American Friends Service Committee
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO 64110
(816) 931-5256
Ira Harritt
Kansas City Program
American Friends Service Committee
4405 Gillham Rd., KCMO 64110
(816) 931-5256
Fax (816) 561-5033